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My son has a weird reaction to ice cream...

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Everytime my ds, who is almost 6, eats ice cream, he coughs. A lot. The whole. entire. time. he's. eating.


I've asked him if the ice cream bothers him, he says 'no'. I ask him if it's too cold, he says 'no'. He LOVES ice cream; I dare say it's his favorite treat.


At first, I thought maybe a dairy allergy. But he can eat, say, a bowl of cereal with cow's milk on it, and not one cough. Or even drink a glass of cow's milk, eat a yogurt, a string cheese; nothing else seems to do this to him. The other day, when we had a freakishly warm afternoon, he had a popsicle outside. Not a single cough.


It seems to have come one recently, or at least I just recently noticed it. Seems hard to imagine, though, he's been doing this for years and I just now noticed.


Any one with experience or advice? I realize it's not a huge deal, but it's just strange, kwim?

Edited by bethanyniez
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Some asthma is triggered by cold, does he have asthma?


Most likely the cold from the ice cream is just causing spasms. He may also do the same going from one extreme in temperature to another, like going from the warm house to outside in the snow. A few coughs and the temperature of the airway evens out with the cold and it is fine after that.

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Well, first of all, I'm so glad to hear that it's not unheard of. :)


Other cold things do not seem to have this affect on him. Like I said, he can eat a popsicle no problem, and I've never noticed him coughing when he goes outside to play when it's cold. And we do know cold here in Michigan. :tongue_smilie:


I never thought of asthma. He did used to have eczema, but seems to have outgrown it this year. I mention that because I know they are related. My stepson has both asthma and eczema. That's something I'll have to research more...

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Well, first of all, I'm so glad to hear that it's not unheard of. :)


Other cold things do not seem to have this affect on him. Like I said, he can eat a Popsicle no problem, and I've never noticed him coughing when he goes outside to play when it's cold. And we do know cold here in Michigan. :tongue_smilie:


I never thought of asthma. He did used to have eczema, but seems to have outgrown it this year. I mention that because I know they are related. My stepson has both asthma and eczema. That's something I'll have to research more...



I wonder if the difference is the popsicle will trickle down the throat but the ice cream is swallowed in bigger bites, and possibly make the throat colder.

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My daughter has cold hives. Cold temps/weather or even touching our granite countertops in winter cause her to break out in hives on the exposed skin. Maybe he is getting an allergic reaction to the cold temp in his throat?

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Dd8 and I have this problem. I've had it since I was younger. Almost always with ice cream/milkshakes. The two of us have bad sinus/allergy issues and I just assumed the cold plus the dairy was a bad combo for our sinus/allergies. That was just a guess, though. But he's not the only one.

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A friend of mine when I was younger had a similar thing happen. She loved ice cream and had no other reaction to it besides the coughing. And it only happened with ice cream. Anyway, it's probably no more than an annoyance. And ice cream is probably worth it.

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A friend of mine when I was younger had a similar thing happen. She loved ice cream and had no other reaction to it besides the coughing. And it only happened with ice cream. Anyway, it's probably no more than an annoyance. And ice cream is probably worth it.


OK, I think my son would more than agree with this. :)


Well, I still don't quite understand what causes it, but at least I know it's not like he's the only person that it happens to.


We did recently find the world's best pediatrician, so I'm gonna have to ask her. Oh! He'll be having a well visit soon, since he turns 6 next month. That is, if I can remember to schedule it. :tongue_smilie:


Anyone ever find a cure to it? Something to do to prevent the coughing?

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