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Do you remember Speak 'n Spell?


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I'm having a flashback to when I was a kid, and whenever we'd be driving in the car, I'd bring along my portable Speak 'n Spell and/or Speak 'n Math. I really knew how to spell because of that little machine, and always won my classroom spelling bees. I'm still a great speller.


Does anything like that exist anymore? Ah, those were the good 'ol days...



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Yes, I have found memories of my speak n' spell. I look around for one for my kids- and they just don't seem to exist. Now, I'll pass on a warning- Do NOT go looking on e-bay b/c some freaks have hoarded all existing speak n' spells and they have put some new evil speaking sound equipment into a perfectly wonderful toy.... ok, I'm slightly exaggerating, but only slightly.... trust me I've looked and it is depressing.



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