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Malaysia ups the ante!

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So my dh and I spent about an hour and a half on the phone with the director of the school last night. And he dropped another bombshell on us:


They want my dh to teach computer classes!!!


Although my husband does not have a teaching degree, he has extensive background in computers and they have been looking for someone to teach basic computer skills. He is really excited about the idea!


We have exactly 12 more days to make this decision (I promised them an answer by March 30).


But I have to say the scale is tipping pretty strongly in their favor! :D

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God to write it in the sky or something???


Honestly, it is good to see how thoroughly you are considering the details. (Me, I might have jumped in without asking some important questions...:001_huh:). I'm pretty sure all of us here are excited to see how this turns out, and we can be purely unbiased knowing that you can connect here regardless of where you decide to call home.


Maybe I've missed this part, but have the kids had any comment on the matter?

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I know I don't know you, but I would really like to live vicariously through you, so I am rooting for you to end up in Malaysia!


I just keep thinking about what a fantastic opportunity it would be for your kids to experience daily life in another country. Good luck, whatever you decide!:D

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