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Ideas for 12yo dd birthday party

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What would be fun for 12 year olds?


My dd is turning 12 on Mother's Day. She has only had two other birthday parties with friends when she was 6 (gymnastics party) and 8 (party in the park with games). All other celebrations were with just the family.


She would like a slumber party. What activities should we do? Crafts? Baking? Bowling? Ice Skating?


I'm not a party planner. I need some help!



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She would like a slumber party. What activities should we do? Crafts? Baking? Bowling? Ice Skating?


I think any of those ideas would be fun! How many kids will be coming to the party? Do you want to do the whole thing at your house, or go out to do part of it? Determining those things can help decide a direction....


If you're doing a slumber party, making your own personal pizzas could be fun; also making cookies & decorating your own.


You could do a 'spa' night where they fix each other's hair, paint finger & toenails.


A game night w/ different games (board, card, or video games).


Entertainment night -- rent a karaoke machine, make popcorn, watch a movie.


A lot depends on what your dd & her friends enjoy doing.


A few more ideas:








Have fun! And, Happy Birthday to your daughter! :001_smile:

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I think any of those ideas would be fun! How many kids will be coming to the party? Do you want to do the whole thing at your house, or go out to do part of it? Determining those things can help decide a direction....


If you're doing a slumber party, making your own personal pizzas could be fun; also making cookies & decorating your own.


You could do a 'spa' night where they fix each other's hair, paint finger & toenails.


A game night w/ different games (board, card, or video games).


Entertainment night -- rent a karaoke machine, make popcorn, watch a movie.


A lot depends on what your dd & her friends enjoy doing.


A few more ideas:








Have fun! And, Happy Birthday to your daughter! :001_smile:


These are really good! Maybe you could get someone to come in and do their nails. Have fun!:001_smile:

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My dd just had her 12th b-day and it was a slumber party too. She actually invited 4 girls but only 2 could sleep over. We made sure to write in the invitation that we would love for the girls to sleep over but if they couldn't to please come over anyway from 6-9ish and join us with the main festivities. She had a Webkinz beach theme party. We served pizza soup with garlic bread and cheese sticks (her favorites), made Hawaiian leis for the Webkinz animals, opened a few presents, and ate cake and ice cream. The girls had a blast! They even had a show modeling pajamas. The girls who did not stay were the designers for the other girls. We made French Toast for the girls who stayed over. Dd had a lot of fun!



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We did a morning party that worked great! On a Saturday morning I picked up my dd's friends and took them to breakfast. It was actually fairly cheap because the place we went has wagon wheel pancakes (they are seriously HUGE!) so I only had to order 5 and that fed all 7 girls. We came to my house afterwards for presents and craft (flower pot painting and planting a flower in), then I took the girls home. The party was done by 10:30 so we had the rest of the day as a family.


The other party we always like is going swimming at the YMCA with snack at a restaurant afterwards.

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~I like the idea of doing nails~instead of hiring someone to come in, do you have a friend or 2 that would come over and help you do the girls nails?

Or even pedicures(buy those tubs for the sink for each girl and put marbles and warm water in each one to soak their feet~they can run their feet along the marbles for a bit of a massage), buy some scrub and lotion for feet and some pretty nail polish.

~Pajama Jam~have the girls show up in their pjs and they can play music and dance around, sing along or do the karaoke thing.

~Make up a scavenger hunt.

~Have a pajamas contest~See who has the best pajamas.

~Decorate pillowcases with fabric markers...this way they can use them that night. Put on date, etc

~decorate picture frames and take lots of pictures for all the girls


This is from some website I found


Most often at this age the girls just want to munch.

Provide a variety of munchie foods not only at the table, but

throughout the party room as well. Try not to over do with sweets,

to avoid upset stomachs.

Veggies and dip


Juice, water and soda.

Serve chocolate and cheese fondue. Kids love it!

The night before the party make ice cubes with juice.

Add to 7-up for a special drink.


Slumber Party Cake:

It’s easy to make 9x13 sheet cake look like a bed.

Frost with white frosting for the sheet and a solid color

for the bed spread, Frost snack cakes for pillows and

graham crackers are added for a head board or bed frame.

To go all out add some miniature toy animals for stuffed

animals or a doll head laying on the pillow.


Don’t Forget breakfast in the morning…

French toast cut with fun cookie cutter shapes.

Make your own fresh Fruit Smoothie

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These are great ideas! Do you have a beauty school nearby? You could take the girls in and have their hair done (curled, braided, styled; no cutting of course). My girls went to a pary last year where they did this and the party had a "beauty pageant" theme, so after they had their hair done, they all put on their best dresses and the mom had made sashes for all of them. They loved it!


You could go to Hobby Lobby and buy some flip flops for about $1 each, and they could decorate them w/ scraps of material tied onto them, or glue silk flowers etc. on them.


Buy your dd a white pillow case and some fabric markers and have all the girls sign/decorate it! If you can afford it, buy one for everyone and they can all take a signed one home!


Rent some girl movies, paint their nails, and have plenty of snacks on hand!!

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