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This is so cool... psycho but really neat

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Very interesting. It made me wonder if there is something about face structure that makes us think that someone is beautiful. At first, I couldn't tell if it was one person in different poses or if they were switching people. It didn't take long until I figured it out. :) Thanks for sharing.


I wish I could remember the details, as it was a fascinating piece. Anyway, I believe point of the article is that there's something about symmetry in facial design and structure that seems to elicit a positive response in our brains.


I don't know. I've always thought the human form is absolutely beautiful, and have always found it delightful that we can all look so very different from one another and yet, beauty is all around us, shining out from within us.

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I don't know. I've always thought the human form is absolutely beautiful, and have always found it delightful that we can all look so very different from one another and yet, beauty is all around us, shining out from within us.


I remember reading a study where they found that people voted most attractive faces that were very symmetrical, with wide set eyes and high cheekbones. All of the women's faces shown in that video certainly seemed to meet those requirements! Wish I could say that I did! ;)


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That was really cool. I had trouble identifying many of them. It ended on Halle Barry didn't it? I saw, Julia Roberts, Vivian Leigh, Susan Serandan, Elizabeth Taylor....more than that I recognized, but can't recall.


I think all sorts of people are beautiful. My mom says, 'Take note that you don't have any ugly friends.' I tried and tried to prove her wrong on that, but she is right. :p


My dh though prefers a certain look that I can almost always pick out. It is face shape more than anything. She can be blond, brunette or in between...but a certain face catches his eye every time.

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I wish I could remember the details, as it was a fascinating piece. Anyway, I believe point of the article is that there's something about symmetry in facial design and structure that seems to elicit a positive response in our brains.


I don't know. I've always thought the human form is absolutely beautiful, and have always found it delightful that we can all look so very different from one another and yet, beauty is all around us, shining out from within us.


Google the divine proportion or the golden proportion. I think that's what you're referring to.


I just wanted to slow the video down and see which ones I recognized. It went way too fast for me.

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Glad you all enjoyed it.


I just watched it again because I wanted to see how many I could recognize....

I know I saw Audrey Hepburn and Katherine Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Julia Roberts, Vivian Leigh, Natalie Wood(s), Grace Kelly, Judy Garland, Nicole Kidman, Jodi Foster, Meg Ryan, Angelina Jolie, Cameran Diaz ... I thought I saw a young Elizabeth Taylor and Debra Kerr...


Some of them really stumped me. The music really made it a beautiful piece of art though. I don't know if I would have appreciated it as much if it was set to less beautiful music. :)

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