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50 States Study...what order?

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Here is what I am thinking...


I want to do a study on each of the 50 States. Nothing too elaborate. Just your basic bird, flag, agriculture, motto, sites, ect.

I have found some great resources online for completing a notebook...but am open for other suggestions! Jimmie's is FANTASTIC!

I am also thinking of doing one state a week, only on one day.


What order do you think we should study them? By the date they were admitted? Alphabetically? Other?

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My initial feeling was to do them by when they were admitted. If I did it that way, do you think it would be too much work or rushed if I was to do it along with our history studies? We use TOG and are coming up on that part...the settlements and colonization and such.


So here are my new questions...

1. Should I do it along with our TOG studies?

2. Should I do it as a separate study?

3. Should I wait and do it instead of the 4th year in our first rotation? I am thinking the content of that year may be too much for my sensitive boys.


Thanks again for your opinions! :001_smile:

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My initial feeling was to do them by when they were admitted. If I did it that way, do you think it would be too much work or rushed if I was to do it along with our history studies? We use TOG and are coming up on that part...the settlements and colonization and such.


So here are my new questions...

1. Should I do it along with our TOG studies?

2. Should I do it as a separate study?

3. Should I wait and do it instead of the 4th year in our first rotation? I am thinking the content of that year may be too much for my sensitive boys.


Thanks again for your opinions! :001_smile:


I tried doing it alongside our History, but found that because our chronological history doesn't cover each and every year, but instead more like a group of years, that there were just too many states to try to do all at the same time. After the first 3 or 4 states and I realized we'd continue to fall way behind as the first 16 states joined over the course of a decade (a blip in our history studies). So I stopped trying to catch up, and we just did them in the order of admission and it was actually nice to be able to say "remember we discussed that in history". So we did a much more in depth study of the state than we could have if we'd had to rush on to another state because we were moving on in history. And of course I didn't want to stop and wait with history!


So we just plodded along doing one state about every week. Worked out nicely as far as library books too, because I'd just concentrate on one state for this week's library run. We did a full notebook/lapbook/scrapbook for each state as well.


I also went online to each state's website and requested their information package. Some came right away, some took a few weeks, so I'm glad I ordered them all at once. Most of them were geared toward enticing someone to move their home or business to that particular state, but it had a lot of touristy information as well as the trivia and facts for each state. Some were better than others, but all had wonderful pictures to cut out and include in our binders. If you have more than one child, I would suggest requesting packages for each because each will want the photos to cut out. I didn't do that and had to scan and print extra copies (pretty expensive as they are color photos mostly).


I remember back in 5th and 6th grade having to do an extensive report on a country one year and a state the other year. We did something simliar for each state because we were able to take the time to do it over the course of a whole week (or more for some of them) rather than trying to keep up with history.


There is a TON of stuff available on the state's websites to download/print, and a google search for each state's information will come up with even more. I did buy a few things, but now I realize that I really didn't have to as it was all available somewhere online if you're willing to spend an hour or two searching (not per state, but for all 50 of them). 50states.com is a goldmine.....enchanted learning had outline maps of each state and flag too....and there were many others that I can't recall right now.

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