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How long do you try to sell your curriculum? WDYD with your curriculum that doesn't

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I'd try for 3-4 weeks, bumping it up weekly, simply because not everyone checks out this site weekly. I'd also check my price, perhaps I listed it too high. If I'm buying something used, I believe that half off the original price is a fair price to pay, even in mint condition. If the item is outdated or has pencil marks, missing pages, etc., then I'd lower the price even more.

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Interesting that you've asked... because I've recently decided that my new project is that I'm not going to sell mine. I'm giving it away.


Trying to sell is a hassle, but also I keep seeing that many people would like to have some of the curriculum I have, but are having a tough time.


So, I'm keeping my eyes and ears open for people who could really use it, and I'm going to give it away. My only stipulation is that I don't want to give it someone who is just going to turn around and sell it for cash instead of actually using it.


So far, I've given a box of old Saxon curriculum to a woman I met in Wal-Mart and a bunch of K-3 language arts workbooks to a woman I met at a garage sale. I'm quite liking this project so far. :001_smile:

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Lower the price :D

The market will prevail. Try to do it like the consignement stores around here - every week the price drops 5%.


I agree that I look at 50% off original price if it's in pretty much mint condition. If it's got markings etc, then it needs to be more like 75% off.

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I list here, but I usually have much better luck at http://www.homeschoolclassifieds.com. To me, it is easier to use because you don't have to continually bump up your listing the way you do on this board. I have always been able to sell if I am patient and I have rarely had to lower my price. Sometimes it does take months to find a buyer depending on the time of year, but it really takes no effort on my part once I have typed in my listing. I usually sell things at 50% of retail plus a few dollars for shipping.



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I sold a couple boxes of stuff at a big used curriculum sale the last couple years. I share a table with a friend (buy a bunch of her stuff) and usually leave with a little less than I brought.


However, when we moved, I needed to just shed several things. I posted free math curriculum and a couple other things on my email list. The irony is that two or three different people jumped on these books and then asked if they could pay me for them (even though I'd advertised them as free). I ended up getting the same price that I'd asked at the book sale and not gotten.


So unless it is a really valuable thing, I will probably give stuff away instead of selling. And if that comes back to my benefit in the end, great.

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