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Tell me again... what kind of oil?

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So, I do have extra virgin olive oil for the things I can use olive oil in, and I had always heard that canola oil was the next best oil to use. Well, now I've heard that canola isn't so good, and now that my bottle of it is almost gone, I'm looking to get something else.


We don't go through oil very fast... I mostly use it for stir frys and very occasionally for baking. Is there a good oil to use that would work for both of these situations? I was kinda hoping to avoid having three kinds of oil in the house since it doesn't get used much. I've used peanut oil for stir frys in the past, but I don't wouldn't think that would work so well for baking? I don't want an oil that imparts a flavor for baking.

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So, I do have extra virgin olive oil for the things I can use olive oil in, and I had always heard that canola oil was the next best oil to use. Well, now I've heard that canola isn't so good, and now that my bottle of it is almost gone, I'm looking to get something else.


We don't go through oil very fast... I mostly use it for stir frys and very occasionally for baking. Is there a good oil to use that would work for both of these situations? I was kinda hoping to avoid having three kinds of oil in the house since it doesn't get used much. I've used peanut oil for stir frys in the past, but I don't wouldn't think that would work so well for baking? I don't want an oil that imparts a flavor for baking.



Butter, coconut oil, and unhydrogenated lard are the best oils to use.




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I use extra virgin olive oil (or as Rachael would say, EVOO:D) for things that are not cooked (such as salad dressings), and extra light for things that are cooked (except I do use extra light in my mayo). Our little bitty Cuisenart deep fryer recommends using pure olive oil, so we bought a big ol' contaner of that. Three kinds of oil.:D

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We have extra virgin olive oil for drizzling on tomatoes or whatever, but cook with canola, butter, or grapeseed oil. I've read the articles against canola but remain unconvinced, and coconut oil I have a hard time getting a handle on the fact that it has so much saturated fat so I never did start using it on a regular basis.

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In our house, anything we're not allergic or sensitive to. Okay, not quite. I canNOT have olive oil no matter how virgin it is, so we don't even buy it. My dc can have canola oil, we sometimes use safflower oil, GMO free, cold pressed Corn oil at times, and rice bran oil. I should add that we're also on a rotary diet, so which of those 4 oils we use depends on which day it is. We have that Spectrum shortening, but I can't eat that, so use it only for certain things I'm not eating.


Good butter is good, but we're dairy free, so only dh uses that.

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