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Would you alter/cancel a trip for a childs' recital?

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I'm supposed to travel with dh on one of his business trips in April. Most wives will go. It's not a big deal if I miss it, as far as the company is concerned. We do have to buy my plane ticket, and have done so, although everything else (food, hotel, most activities) is paid for.


Found out today that dd has a choir program that we will miss.


My parents have the kids. They usually have them in another city, although they might not mind staying here and taking dd to the extra rehearsal and the recital.


Flights out of Jamaica are limited and I don't know that I'm up to coming back early and clearing customs/immigration by myself.


I automatically assumed I would not go on the trip. dh automatically assumed that dd would have to miss the recital.:001_smile:


What does an unbiased person say?

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Depends on the recital. Is it for a class she takes, and she will feel like she is really missing out, or is it a casual, come if you can performance? Are the rehearsals part of class or are the separate? If separate would she feel slighted if you just didn't do it or would it devastate her to be left out of some activity that the other kids are doing. Will the extra practice time work for you schedule anyways?


How old is dd? How big of a deal is a recital to her, if you didn't make it a big deal? Does she understand what it is? Has she done one before?


If the grandparents are willing to take her, how would she feel about that? Excited or crushed? Can it be video taped and you can watch it when you get back with the required encore performance.

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It depends on how often they happen, how big a part the child had eg. are they singing a solo or just one of choir when you will be lucky to see them let alone hear them.

My son plays in both school and state youth orchestra. Last year I missed 2 of his concerts due to travel, I am going to miss his first concert for this year again. However he doesn't mind as for him the main part is the participation and the general audience reaction not Mum & Dad watching him play. However he does have 10 - 12 concerts a year and I am sure he would be upset if we didn't attend any. Last year my daughter did a solo at a big event and I am sure she would of been hurt if we hadn't attended.

If you go on the trip why not arrange some flowers or a special meal out with her Grandparents so that you are letting her know that you will miss not seeing her concert.

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They would be able to tape it and take pictures. There was a Christmas program, so this is what they've worked on this semester.


I'll talk to g-parents and see what they think about bringing her back for the rehearsal and the program. I guess that's the first step. If they're not up to doing the traveling (it's a couple of hours each way), I'll have a different decision to make.


She would be upset to miss it. Probably somewhat upset if we missed it, but appeased by knowing that we could pop some popcorn and watch a dvd of it.


She would be thrilled if we sent her flowers.

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