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If your child has had a cold and mention their ear hurts once


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My ds when he was three said his ears hurt, once at 3 AM. I got out the hot water bottle and went back to bed. He seemed fine in the morning but by afternoon was really punk with a fever and just not even talking. He turned out to have a perforated eardrum, and I never even saw any discharge. So this experience colors my answer.

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Why not buy an otoscope? That's what I did. Drug stores carry cheap ones. The brochure inside (and info online) will show you what an ear infection looks like. You'll save lots of money and time, believe me. And, when a child sticks a knitting needle in his brother's ear, you'll be able to tell immediately that the eardrum has been punctured and rush to the doctor. Ask me how I know. Shudder.



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I know I am fortunate. I had ear infections as a child and I remember how agonizing they were. If my kids were in that kind of pain, I wouldn't wait 5 minutes.


But typically when my children have had colds and ear aches, they go away with the cold and with maybe decongestants to reduce pressure. Only once have we needed antibiotics. So with that history, I would wait. But if your child has a history of ear infections, I wouldn't wait - I would go and get the drugs, and they you have them if you need them.

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It depends on how your child responds to ear infections (if it is an infection, it could just be an ache from sinus or something). My DD can get over them on her own, my middle DS ends up with BAD infections that lead to perforated ear drums, and my youngest DS had to have antibiotics with a fever due to his immune system.

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We apply a warm slice of onion in a thin cloth....really. Slightly warmed olive oil drops are soothing, also. Eliminate dairy from their diet and anything else that adds to congestion. Homemade chicken soup with lots of garlic and breath the steam. Even a ruptured eardrum doesn't necessarily warrant antibiotics. Ds had his ruptured playing in the public swimming pool when another boy threw a ball at the side of his head and the pressure was too much:glare: The pediatrician took a look and said, "Yup, it is ruptured." We've also had ear infections that led to total meltdowns inside the ear and probable ruptures(they couldn't be 100% sure for all the discharge). We've treated them with and without antibiotics and it seems like it is something that you and the pediatrician have to decide weighing what is right/best for your dc. Some pediatricians are quicker to write the script than others.

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It truly depends on which child it is. If it is my youngest, then yes, I would call right away. He has a history of ear infections with colds and they don't go away on their own. (He has a blood disorder which makes it so his body can't fight off illness as quickly as others)


For the other two, I would probably wait for a day or so because they have had earaches that have gone away after a day when they've had colds.

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