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So, how many SCAers are there here?

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Just curious :) If you feel like sharing, tell which Kingdom you belong to, what your SCA name is and boast about any awards you have. If you are cool enough to have awards, we want to know why! Or I want to know anyway, because I'm a stickybeak.




aka Pani Nawojka Opalenska, currently residing in Cairnfell North, Lochac



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We were involved in Atlantia, Barony of the Sacred Stone for a number of years (BC--before child <G>). As I said in the other thread, I met my husband there, as well as some very good friends with whom we still hang out after 20 years <G>. It's been a while since we've been to an event, though now that my daughter is a bit older we've given it some thought if we ever have the time.



Edited by KarenNC
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We're not really "involved" at this time, but we have good friends who are in the Kingdom of Caid and have attended some events. I'm working on making garb for myself-- 12th century Viking -- and some simple Anglo-Saxon tunics for my sons. My dh can't make up his mind!


I bought an Inkle loom yesterday... that's pretty SCA, right?

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If you don't mind me asking, what is SCA?


I did a google and got hits for several things. I'm thinking it isn't the S*xual Compulsives Anonymous


Er. Some might be, but I don't suppose they'd want to be anonymous. Naturally nobody I know is like that... I was talking about the Society of Creative Anachronism, dressing up in nice dresses, whacking people in armour with sticks, that sort of thing.



Rosie- who has a tabletweaving loom, but would like to try inkle weaving and has 4 kiddie sized Roman tunicas to make before next weekend. Yay for war!!

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Er. Some might be, but I don't suppose they'd want to be anonymous. Naturally nobody I know is like that... I was talking about the Society of Creative Anachronism, dressing up in nice dresses, whacking people in armour with sticks, that sort of thing.



Rosie- who has a tabletweaving loom, but would like to try inkle weaving and has 4 kiddie sized Roman tunicas to make before next weekend. Yay for war!!

That sounds like it would be lots of fun. I'm going to look at the website. Thanks for setting me straight.

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If you don't mind me asking, what is SCA?

I'm thinking it isn't the S*xual Compulsives Anonymous




There is a large group of twenty-somethings that use the local park and they are very nice to my son, and let him handle their stuff.


I had some mead a group made when I was in college. Delicious.

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We played in the Kingdom of the Outlands when dh was stationed in El Paso, Texas. It was a fairly large barony and we had a blast. Now we're in the Kingdom of Aethelmearc. However, there are no groups nearby. The closest ones are an hour away. We do want to get back into it now that dd is getting older, so we're trying to work out the logistics.

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However, there are no groups nearby. The closest ones are an hour away. We do want to get back into it now that dd is getting older, so we're trying to work out the logistics.


Sucks doesn't it? We're two hours away from everyone else so are trying to start something here. If you were in our town I'd invite you to "Boffer in the Backyard" this Sunday. ;) We only travel down to the other groups for particularly special events, definitely not the A&S nights or any of that stuff. Hopefully we'll get some people playing here, someone with sewing skills would be great. It shouldn't take two years to make a cotehardie!


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I am not in SCA but my brother is big time. He and his wife are the Baron and Baroness for the Barony of Ered Sul in Northern Arizona in the Kingdom of Atenveldt. They have been involved for 20 years or more and took over the Barony last year (I think last year - times flies) They live up in Pine Arizona. Anyone familiar with that area or involved in their barony?

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Not here either. Just an AofA. So I get to be Lady 'Whatever' - whenever I finally settle on a name. :tongue_smilie: And heraldry? Yikes. :ohmy:


Well, you could go Eastern European, that's all the rage you know ;) Come join us on the SIG list and call yourself Pani "Whatever." Says me who needs to put her documentation back in for name and heraldry.



"Pani Nawojka"- who needs to learn Polish so she can translate her Polish heraldry book. Polish heraldry was quite different to Western European heraldry. So there's today's fun fact :)

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Hitch up the wagon and let's be off to the meeting.


We were involved in Atlantia, Barony of the Sacred Stone for a number of years (BC--before child <G>). As I said in the other thread, I met my husband there, as well as some very good friends with whom we still hang out after 20 years <G>. It's been a while since we've been to an event, though now that my daughter is a bit older we've given it some thought if we ever have the time.



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