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What are your favorite educational movies?


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I'm trying to resolve a family situation :rolleyes:.

I've started to let my kids have some screen time, but standard TV has little of value (IMO) beyond PBS. I simply will not (cannot) pay for cable. So what am I to do?

I'm starting to consider netflix, and I found that my library system actually has many well-known cable shows on DVD (such as MythBusters, which I think my son would love).

So what are your favorites? What cable shows, what documentary series? Anyone else out there trying to put together such a list?



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We are really enjoying the 'Life Of Mammals' series with David Attenborough (BBC). It is well worth getting the book too as a read aloud because it covers a lot of different things to the series.

He also does 'Private Life of Plants', 'Life of birds' and many other classics. His enthusiasm for his subject is infectious.

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If you are looking for the elementary level, my children like the National Geographic for Kids (they call it "Spin"), and Magic Schoolbus. I also saw that my library has some videos about the life of various classical composers, but I havent' checked the out yet. I second the checking out your library suggestion.

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I can hardly believe it, but I can get almost all of this (plus The Dog Whisperer, which I've just been longing to see), Through our library system. I never really considered this route. Also, many things are available as a set of DVDs covering a full season. I'd just better be careful, or we'll glut ourselves :o


Supermom, do you (or anyone else) know an author or production company for Empire - The Medicis? It sounds fantastic, and I'd like to track it down (and possibly avoid Netflix if I can).


Thanks All!

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Empires: The Medici is a PBS production. That is all I know about it. I definitely want my kids to read about history, too, but I feel sure they could have read 10 hours and not learned as much as they did in these 4 hours of docu-drama. And what I really like is that it was tastefully done. I had tried to watch another dvd with them about the renaissance, and to demonstrate the culture.... they use completely nude actors/actresses to do re-enactments. We had to turn that one off. A painting is one thing, but this was so unnecessary.


I know you said you want to avoid Netflix if you can, but did you know that for only $9 a month you can watch unlimited movies instantly? Well, we are only limited by what they carry. But all of the Medici episodes were instant downloads so we watched them with a click of the mouse...and we have connected our computer to our TV, so we had it on the big screen. And then the movies not availalbe for instant watching can be ordered...no postage either way. I've been able to find a DVD on every topic we are studying in TOG. Well worth the $9 a month to us and so much cheaper than satellite TV. I just wanted to let you know about that in case you weren't familiar with the plan now days. They do have a 2 week free trial, too. So you could watch the MEdici during your free trial period and then cancel if you want after that.


I hope you can find it. We've watched so many that were pretty boring, but this one was extra good IMO.


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Thanks, Supermom, for posting about the instant download option from Netflix. We can afford $9/month, and our computer is bigger than our TV (no couch here tho :D).


I'm actually looking forward to this now. Generally, I have no patience for movies or TV, but I actually enjoy documentaries. This will hopefully help DS too. All our best friends are unschoolers, have cable/digital, and watch quite a few high interest science-type shows. A couple of weeks ago, we came back from our park day and my son remarked that he felt dumb because his friends knew so much (one dear friend is Mr. Mile a Minute Science Fact Guy - only about half the facts are correct tho :D). Funny, we read for at least an hour daily, and do plenty of other stuff besides, but nothing quite compares to the amount of knowledge ingested in a beautifully produce program (I know that it's often a disjointed, incomplete picture, but at least it can stimulate interest).


Thanks again!

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