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I want the most pared down plan possible for my 6th grader.


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What would your totally basic but rigorous schedule for a 6th grader look like?


I think math, latin, writing, and history. I think I would use history for copywork/dictation/memorization and writing assignments.


What would you pick for simple/rigorous curiculum and do you feel that any other subject is a MUST for this grade.


I have read LCC and I want to get even simpler than that.



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My kids are a lot younger, but I would consider doing only math, Latin and some form of grammar and composition. I'd let the student choose one science and one history book per week from the library and have them outline and narrate from those choices. Depending on how much grammar, spelling and mechanics they need, that might be all the LA I'd do.


Even with no formal plan for history and science, I'm sure your ds will learn a lot just by exploring his interests and writing about them.

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Latin and math depends so much on what he's done before that I won't comment there.


I'd attempt to combine writing, reading and everything else by having him read one book at a time and respond to writing prompts about them: first a history overview, then historical literature, something on the arts of the era, and something on a scientist of the era. Depending on your child's reading speed, you could go through four to twelve books in the course of the year.

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What would your totally basic but rigorous schedule for a 6th grader look like?


I think math, latin, writing, and history. I think I would use history for copywork/dictation/memorization and writing assignments.


What would you pick for simple/rigorous curiculum and do you feel that any other subject is a MUST for this grade.


I have read LCC and I want to get even simpler than that.




Hi, Dorothy, I have a dd 6th now. If I were paring down, I would do the following:


Latin (We are using Latin Prep right now and really like it)


Math (We use Singapore and love it)


English ( I would choose Galore Park English for a complete and rigorous program that is very time-efficient). It covers everything. I'd exclusively use this for writing, spelling, vocab, grammar.


For Science, I would choose some living books and do nature study if possible with a nature journal. Experiments, too.


For History, I would probably choose Teaching Company high school lectures on World History or American History (I own these and we like them. I plan to use the World History next year) and then add in some free reads to go with it. I'd do one lecture per week from one of these, and then find some books on that subject. Or perhaps even Liberty's Kids and add in some books over the year.


I might also be tempted to add in Sister Wendy's DVD's for Art History, which we have and like.


Hmm, that sounds pretty good to me. My dd loves Sonlight, but I bet she wouldn't mind this schedule. ;)



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What would your totally basic but rigorous schedule for a 6th grader look like?


I think math, latin, writing, and history. I think I would use history for copywork/dictation/memorization and writing assignments.




I will do this everyday.


Latin - Henle and Lingua Latina




Writing - everyday even if it means that you have to start with the planning. "Precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little." If not established in writing, I will start literally with letter upon letter, word upon word, sentence upon sentence.


History - living books and whatever you used for copywork, dictation, and memorization, I will also used to dissect and take apart for review in parts of speech, parts of sentence, clauses, prepositional phrases until he is flying through and knows it by heart.


Science - dictated by interest but I will add notetaking and outlining. Point out the vocabulary words, how to skim through the chapter, look at the title, and such to prepare for use of textbooks in the high school years.


Exercise - I totally agree with this one. I will make it a priority even if it's such situps, pushups on a rainy day just to make and keep the heart pumping.

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what would be the basic, rigorous, no-nonsense, thorough curriculum to do it?


For PE, does a one-mile run in the AM and then again in the PM plus gymnastics twice a week cover enough or do I need more? (We have never done sit ups/push ups, etc)


What would be the best math curriculum to do this with - again basic/rigorous.



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what would be the basic, rigorous, no-nonsense, thorough curriculum to do it?


Writing - I would really love to use Classical Writing but couldn't get myself to start with it. In fact, I signed ds12 with Cindy Marsch's http://www.writingassessment.com Beginning Progymnasmata but have yet to start the 6 wk class.


These are what I'm using. I practically have all the writing programs with the exception of Writing With Ease. What works for us is when I signed up my kids with an online writing class, and supplementing with various materials.


Home2teach.com - online writing


Symbol & Sense, Writing Instruction for the Middle School - RA Hawley, book


Editor software - by Serenity Software


WriteToLearn.com - by Pearson Technology. I get access to this through my charter school.



For PE, does a one-mile run in the AM and then again in the PM plus gymnastics twice a week cover enough or do I need more? (We have never done sit ups/push ups, etc)


Wow. I wish I'm even half close to what you're doing. Your PE routine sounds fantastic and cover more than the minimum.


What would be the best math curriculum to do this with - again basic/rigorous.



If I have to do it again, I would go straight from Horizons Math/Singapore Math to Chalkdust Pre-ALgebra instead of dabbling with Life of Fred. I will continue with ALEKS.





Every family is different. What makes a rigorous curriculum for me is not just the material but my ability to consistently and faithfully do the work with my kids everyday. IT really is a labor of love. I check my kids' work EVERY SINGLE DAY.

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