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Packing/Moving Progress

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My goal for today is to run out of boxes. Dh made a WM run the last 2 nights, & the playpen is filled w/ them.


Mom will be here tomorrow or the next day, & I'd like to look like I've got everything under control. :lol:


1. Get new #. Done.


2. Get gas turned on. Done, & it's always nice to hear, "because of your *excellent* payment record...".


3. Water/trash. Done--cool, we get to recycle from home now!


4. Electricity. Having trouble. My ils were selling electricity, & we were already w/ Reliant. This was a couple of yrs ago. So I called them today, to use their stuff. At FIVE O'CLOCK, I find out it's not going to work. I have to call Reliant anyway.


This is fine, except the connection fee goes up to $100 now for a Tues connection. :glare: We'll just wait until Wed, & that will be fine, but dh & I spent nearly 2 hrs trying to make the other thing work, when it. doesn't. matter!! Where's the head-smashing-against-the-wall-smiley?


5. Pack 25 boxes. 10 packed. Uh-oh. I ran out of packing tape before I ran out of boxes! :w00t: Guess it's back to laundry for now. Or maybe see if the dc have eaten today. ;)


Ok, borrowed some tape from the neighbors, & I'm up to 18 boxes, but, I hafta tell ya...these boxes dh got are a joke. They're perfect squares, ranging from about 12-18" across ea way, & 3" deep. So I'm spending all my time (& TAPE) building boxes. That hold about 10 books (if you're creative). I need another bang-your-head-against-the-wall-smiley here.


Oh! And I just caught 1yo mid-fall w/ my elbow!


6. Wash dishes. Done, & kids dried & put away. And now the sink's full again!!


7. Fold & put away yesterday's clean laundry. Gah! 2 loads down; 3 to go, & the dc are *sitting* on them, squishing them into unrecognizable piles of wrinkledness! I must be waiting for dh to come home & do this, lol.

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, but, I hafta tell ya...these boxes dh got are a joke. They're perfect squares, ranging from about 12-18" across ea way, & 3" deep. So I'm spending all my time (& TAPE) building boxes. That hold about 10 books (if you're creative). I need another bang-your-head-against-the-wall-smiley here.




[From and experienced mover.]

Your dh got them that way b/c once you start packing books the boxes get unbelievalby(sp?) heavy and no one wants to lift them. I wish you were here. We still have all our boxes from the big x-country move with us. Dh doesn't want to recycle them b/c they are still in great condition. Which means they will stay in the garage cluttering up the space until we move again. :glare:


I wish you well. Take all the help you can get, and see if you can find a young teenage girl to occupy the littles while you work. That is what I did.

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I'm about to be officially unplugged, I think. My mom will be here in less than an hr w/ my grm. Everybody's crying, & the dc had started *un* packing things before I got up this AM.:blink:


Baby's *teething.* Of all things to start now! :lol: And the big ones have reached that point where they've forgotten that life gets back to normal & want to know how many (not IF) movies they can watch today. :glare:


1yo is actually faster than usual. Yesterday she broke one of my nesting bowls. You know, the very best ones that are pretty enough to serve out of on the table but also the perfect sizes to mix anything. This morning, she came into the kitchen armed w/ a stool. Oh, boy, it's going to be a long day! :lol:

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