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How much do you pay for DSL and who is your company?

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Have you called your phone company asking them to lower it for you before you jump ship? We have found that if we call the our phone company and tell them that we don't want (not *can't*, which would be a lie) to pay that much for DSL, they always tell us they will lower it to the promotion they're offering for new customers. They told us that the price is good for a year, so to be sure to call back when the year is up to have it lowered again. We have done this year after year because they told us too.


We pay $25/mo.

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We pay $10 for DSL lite thru AT&T. I'm not sure if its still available, but when at&T and Bellsouth merged, it was a requirement of the merger to offer this price - but - they didn't have to advertise it! We found out when we had a phone repairman to our house and he told us.


At the time we signed up - you could pull down the price from their price option on the website. It might be worth a call to see if they are still making that price available. We were even able to transfer it when we moved from south FL to Georgia.

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