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What science programs could I combine with my 11 and 8 year old?


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I would like to do science together with my 2 older children next year. What options are out there that would target both those age groups? The prolem is that I do not like science nor do I like teaching it. My kids though, love it, especially my ds11. I don't want anything that I have to really plan a whole, basically would like a sit down and go type thing. And I hate notebooking for scinece.


I like the looks of Real Science 4 Kids. But I'm guessing that the pre-level will be to easy for my son, and Level 1 would be to hard for my dd.


It doesn't matter to me if it's chemistry, biology, physics, or whatever. We could just focus on one area, or do a combo of many topics.


Any suggestions???

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I don't know if you are looking for Christian or secular but the Christian Kids Explore ... series is very good for combining age groups. My girls are 6 years apart and I have used two of their books. Very easy to adapt to either age and it's pretty much open and go. We did some experiments and skipped others.

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i just purchased Real Science 4 Kids at both levels to use with a 9 and 10.5 year old. the pre-chemistry is actually really good, and we are going to start with it. i thnk they will have a lot of fun with it, while learning some basic chemistry vocabulary and ways of thinking. the only problem is her reference near the beginning of the textbook to molecules/atoms having been "designed". sigh.... but its only mentioned once, so we will have a good discussion about it. the level 1 chemistry will be a good follow-on.

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