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I'm going to the dr. on Mon. afternoon to get the test results from my MRI,

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Well, we did not get the results we were thinking. Apparently the radiologist and orthopaedist agree that there is something eating my bones. So, now we've got to figure out what. Of course, they are suggesting I have cancer in my body somewhere. So, I'll work with my PCP Tues. morning and go from there. I do have a low Vitamin D level and take a lot of Vit. D3. The ortho says the shape of the compressed L5 is what concerns him. There were four "hot spots" on the bone imaging scan. One was the L5 area, one was the right leg where I have had pain, one was a shoulder and one was above my right elbow. The bone density test says I'm normal. So, prayers for wisdom on this would be appreciated, as well as peace. I know God is in control and he is not caught off guard by this.


Thanks so much!



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