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Mark Kistler Online Art lessons---in which order?


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Does anyone have a recommended order in which to do the lessons at the Mark Kistler Online Video Art Academy? I am pretty clueless when it comes to drawing (the reason I wanted a video instructor;)), and want to be sure my daughter gets the foundational lessons in addition to just exploring the site (though I definitely want to harness that enthusiasm). I am very pleased with what she's been able to do in just one afternoon.


Our local library also has some of his books---is there a recommended order for those?

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:lurk5: Wondering here, too. We bought the package offered by Homeschool Co-op. On the "School of Imagination" section of the site, the lessons are in an order, but there is no correspondence to the other online video lessons. I would love to be able to do the SoI lessons and then use other video lessons that reinforce that SoI lesson's concepts.

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I don't think it matters. I've not tried the online lessons, but read his books as a kid (Draw Squad and Imagination Station) and really, you can do them in any order. The books' lessons build up in each book, but they all go back to one of his key words or ideas, and they are all step by step. I don't think his books have to be done in any particular order.


I just pulled them out the other day to show to my first grader, and we did the first part of lesson one in Draw Squad. We had fun. :) We learned about foreshortened circles, and drew some cubes and cylinders (birthday cakes and tables and candles).

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A few weeks ago while on the site , I noticed it said somewhere that there is no particular order in which to do these lessons. I wish I could find it now, but I really did see it somewhere :confused: on one of the lessons or somewhere on the site. I can say that my kids are enjoying these lessons immensely.

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