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Does anyone have a weird homeschooling schedule? or help my dh only has one day off

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MY dh works 5 and 1/2 days a week so he only has one full day off a week, the other 1/2 day is our co-op day and he picks us up after it is over. MY question is my dd is going into high school next year:eek: and we really need to do 4 days of hsing at home plus the one day at co-op. He has Wednesday off and I would really like to spend the day with him and be able to run a couple of errands so I need the day free.


Any suggestions? doing school work with him home is not really an option, he normally has the t.v up real loud and we live in a small home and sound carries.



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I'm assuming your coop is on a weekday?


If so, then I'd try one of two things. Obviously you could hs on Sat/Sun. Another choice would be to keep it to the weekdays, but move one subj off your sched & treat it as a night course.


My dh is working a crazy schedule right now, too, so I feel for you. I haven't figured anything out that works for us, but my oldest is in 2nd g, so I'm hoping things will level out before it matters too much.

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I'm assuming your coop is on a weekday?


If so, then I'd try one of two things. Obviously you could hs on Sat/Sun. Another choice would be to keep it to the weekdays, but move one subj off your sched & treat it as a night course.


My dh is working a crazy schedule right now, too, so I feel for you. I haven't figured anything out that works for us, but my oldest is in 2nd g, so I'm hoping things will level out before it matters too much.


Yes our co-op is on Fridays and she gets her science from there.



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And our schedule often varies from week to week.


I have no problem doing school on Saturday and taking a day off during the week. As a matter of fact I despise going out on weekends because of the crowds so a week day errand day is almost mandatory for me.


And when my dh is home we take off "routine" studies and do things together- read alouds, hiking, etc.


Your school can look completely different than anyone else. Just be sure you are meeting your goals and adapt as you go along.



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Well I think what we are going to do after talking it over with the kids:D you know you have to get them on board or they will REBEL. Is we will do school Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday will be our library/errands day (life skills?) do school on Thursday and co-op on Friday. Saturday will be the last day of the week, the day when all the history is due, that way they will work really hard and try to get it all done. Saturday they will have to do the following:



history (finish up all notebook pages/projects



geography(again finish up notebook pages if they apply themselves they can be done earlier)


They can get it done quickly if they try and it could be done by 12:00 if they work hard. Science is done at co-op homework will be done during the week, except for my youngest who will take science at home.


3 times per week



vocabulary (roots)

intro to worldviews (thinking like a christian)spread out longer than 12 weeks

science for the youngest


I think that is what we are going to do. Dh does has the option to take every other Sunday off but it is a heavy sales day during his "heavy season" so this Sunday will be the last one he takes off. Sounds good?



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and it changes every semester. This semester is relatively "normal", but last semester, we had school at odd hours and some on Saturday to accommodate the odd timing of dh's classes. However, some of our oddness stems from the fact that dh teaches the older kids grammar, lit and writing, so I need to plan my teaching around when he'll be home and available to work with the girls.

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  • 1 month later...

We're just getting started, but I work nights four shifts/week and DH usually works 6 days a week. DD has art class through the city Monday morning, so we go do that w/ the boys I babysit M-TH from 1000-1130. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday we do school before I pick up the boys, which falls after when I'm off my night job at 7 AM on Thursday.


Friday is our "outing day", so I take a nap as soon as I'm home from work so I can get the car from DH by driving him back to work (he has to bring GF home from Fri. morning training, so I get the car then). We do errands or zoo or meet up with friends, etc., and pick him up usually around 7.


We do school again on Saturday if we have nothing planned (such as an SCA event), and on Sunday.

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Yall are so good I think what I am going to do, and it has changed since I first typed this:


When we DON"T have co-op (starts mid-Sept)

School on M,Tues, Thurs and Friday

this will run for 10 weeks


When we do have co-op

First day of the week Sunday (only have one car so for this season we don't have church), Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (last day of the week

Friday will be co-op

SAturday will be a rest up day and planning bring it all together for the next week.


This is how I think it will work out, I could be wrong:001_huh:



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I'm really not sure what the odd schedule you're needing to work around is, but, we have a very odd schedule here as well. My dh works nights, and hardly ever has the same nights off for two weeks in a row.


We sleep late, to allow him to go right to bed when he gets home and not have to worry about the noise of 3 boys under age 10. ;) In order to sleep late, we stay up late... and so our whole schedule is shifted. Bedtime is 1am (for the kids, I go to bed around 3) and we get up around noon.


We get up and I fix lunch. DH gets up and eats with us, then goes back to bed. When he goes back to bed, we start school and aim to be done by the time I need to fix dinner. Dh gets up and eats before getting ready for work, and leaves at about 9.


And, that sounds worse than it really is. LOL Dh usually is up for 3-4 hours during the day while we are as well; he's been working nights his whole life (since he was 15) and sleeps generally in 4 or 5-hour spurts. LOL So sometimes he's up a while at lunch (usually the case), and if he goes right back to bed after lunch then he usually gets up several hours before I'm ready to do dinner.


For when he's off of work - let's say he worked Saturday night, and he's off Sunday night. He goes to bed when he gets home on Sunday morning, and I don't wake him up for lunch but instead let him sleep until he wakes up on his own, usually around 4pm. Then he's up as late as we are, to between 1 and 3am. The next day he sleeps until lunch just like we do, and is up most of the time but adds a 2-3 hour nap before he gets up to eat dinner and go to work.


Anyway. It's really strange around here, but it works really well for us and has for about a year and a half now, once I stopped trying to follow a "normal" schedule and just go with what was natural for our family. :)



PS: He's NEVER off on weekends. Lately, his 'regular' nights off are supposed to be Sunday night and Wednesday night. For a while it was Monday and Tuesday nights. NEVER off on a Friday or Saturday night. NEVER. LOL

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per week!


MY dh works 5 and 1/2 days a week so he only has one full day off a week, the other 1/2 day is our co-op day and he picks us up after it is over. MY question is my dd is going into high school next year:eek: and we really need to do 4 days of hsing at home plus the one day at co-op. He has Wednesday off and I would really like to spend the day with him and be able to run a couple of errands so I need the day free.


Any suggestions? doing school work with him home is not really an option, he normally has the t.v up real loud and we live in a small home and sound carries.




Could you do just a half day of school on Wednesday? Maybe very early? I'd do that (maybe just 2-3 hours), then give the kids some reading and independent work to do in their rooms after that. This might make doing a little bit on Saturday mornings necessary, but at least it wouldn't be the whole day on either one.


It would be great if your dh would tag-team teach with you! That way you could knock everything out in half the time, and have the rest of the day free. Are there any subjects he is passionate about?

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  • 6 months later...

Your schedule looks good. Another alternative would be to start your days on Fridays and keep going until Tuesday, then have Wednesdays and Thursdays off. The kids need to spend time with Dad too, you know. And you have your Wednesday off to run errands, maybe even by yourself :)

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Your schedule looks good. Another alternative would be to start your days on Fridays and keep going until Tuesday, then have Wednesdays and Thursdays off. The kids need to spend time with Dad too, you know. And you have your Wednesday off to run errands, maybe even by yourself :)


We manage to do Mon-Fri, but we're never sure when dh is going to be off, except for Sundays most of the year. He teaches ds art on Sunday. During the week it's either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday that he's off. On that day he watches dd while I do school with ds and then we reconvene for the rest of the day.

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Your schedule looks good. Another alternative would be to start your days on Fridays and keep going until Tuesday, then have Wednesdays and Thursdays off. The kids need to spend time with Dad too, you know. And you have your Wednesday off to run errands, maybe even by yourself :)


:iagree: I think this is a great solution.



We have a weird schedule in that we don't start school until 1:30pm. I am NOT a morning person. Neither is my daughter. And my son has taekwondo from 10am to noon. Between the three, I don't bother starting until after lunch. We do all language arts and math, take a break, do history, have dinner, do science, have some free time, and then read/discuss literature for our bedtime story. So school begins at 1:30pm and ends at 9:30pm.


It's ok to do whatever works for you even if it is different from normal. Once I made the decision to stop trying to do school early like everyone else, we were happier and started accomplishing more.

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We have school every day my dh works and it has never been a problem. He is off one day a week and the day changes every eight weeks. We just have school every morning he goes to work. We try and get done before lunch on days that we have afternoon plans. If we don't get done, we finish after dinner. :)

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