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Motivated Moms--01-18 to 01-24/09

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I almost fell off the wagon completely this week. Of course dh was home--and that always adds to the workload-- (We'd rather be off doing something together than hanging around doing housework!)


Should I go back and do things--or just carry on?


For example, I was supposed to change the sheets Friday--I didn't. Before this program, I'd have no difficulty not changng the sheets every two weeks (esp. in winter.) --so would it be better to change them--or wait?


And what about other things? I really have no idea how important any of this stuff is beyond basic cooking, laundry and dishes.



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I was unable to change my sheets on Friday as we had a problem with some minor flooding in our house - leaving me unable to do laundry, run the dishwasher, or even use the kitchen sink for 2 days. I was, however, able to get back into my routine today. I changed my sheets today.


I think if you're a few days late (but no more than 4 or 5 days out from the next time the calendar tells you to change sheets), just go ahead and change them. I guess it's because I love the feel of fresh sheets.

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I say, water your plants (that was friday) , check the furnace filter (I think last friday too) and just try to stick to this week. Right after school, I summon my two (and my mom) and we hit the list. We do everything that can be done and don't stop until we are all checked off. It gets easier after Monday and it goes faster if everyone is doing it together.

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Fridays are hard around here also. We are gone the whole day with co-op and dance. So, nothing gets done. I am going to try to spread out Friday's list through out the week this week and see how it goes. I am thinking as long as I have the whole things checked off by the end of the week, who cares which day I do them on!:)

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I nearly fell off last week, but I got a lot done on Monday because the rest of the week was crazy. I didn't do the sheets, either - I have NOT been on top of the laundry and with the weather over the past few days, I really haven't wanted to risk putting the wash on because our drain pipe is the one that historically likes to freeze up and I just can't bear the idea of a flooded laundry room with all the stuff on the floor soaked.


And, frankly, it's been cold and I haven't wanted to do stuff. I mean, I'm having trouble finding the motivation to abandon the wood stove and do dishes when it's 63 degrees in the kitchen.


I'm on it today, though. I want to clear tomorrow's schedule so we can watch the inauguration in relative comfort. :D


Lori - I hear ya about Fridays. We're on a break from co-op right now, but we normally have back-to-back co-op and art. We are just plain done by the time we get home in the afternoon.

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So, I decided I did not care to rinse the dishes before loading the dishwasher. There was sauce / preserves from Swedish meatballs, and starch / cheese from mac and cheese yesterday.


They came out perfectly clean. :glare:


Can somebody please give me back the time I have spent rinsing the !$@#$! dishes for the past several years? And the water??? Grrrrrrrr.

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If you have time you can go back & finish your lists but if not just move forward. I still move things all around during the week & will often be finishing up the week on the weekend. As long as it's getting done on a consistent basis you are doing great. No one is perfect, no house is perfect, and perfection is overrated anyway. I've been in plenty of perfectly clean houses and not felt at ease because a perfect clean was too important. Keep at it. Moderation is the key. :)

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When I fall off the wagon (which I too did with sheets this past Friday), I look to see how important it is to me to get it done. For the sheets, yes I wanted them washed, so I did it on Sunday when I finally had time. If it had been something less important to me (like mopping those bathroom floors, ours stay pretty clean and as long as they are swept and the rugs shaken, I'm okay with it), I leave it till next time.


I want to make this system work for me -- not me work for the system.



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