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Lapbookers...a few questions please

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How many lapbooks do your kids complete in one school year?


How many lapbooks are your kids working on simultaneously?


When do you work on them? As part of the lesson? At night as an extra project? On the weekend?


If you had time to only work on a lapbook for one subject, what would it be? History? Science? Literature? I guess I am asking...Which subject do you find them most beneficial?




Here are my answers...

How many lapbooks do your kids complete in one school year?

Last year we only completed one. This year we have done one on Thanksgiving and are working on two others with plans of more. So, I guess I don't have an answer.


How many lapbooks are your kids working on simultaneously?

Right now we are working on one for the Middle Ages and one for Desert Animals.


When do you work on them? As part of the lesson? At night as an extra project? On the weekend?

I am finding it a bit difficult to find time to work on them. That is why I asked the question. I try to do it as part of our lesson, but it doesn't always happen. In fact, we are "behind" in both of ours.


If you had time to only work on a lapbook for one subject, what would it be? History? Science? Literature? I guess I am asking...Which subject do you find them most beneficial?

Again, I don't have an answer and wanted to get some feed back. My boys really enjoy doing them and ask to do them. I was thinking about just completing them for as part of our science next year and skipping the other subjects. But...then I see some of the great ones we could be doing for history and I found an awesome one for My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett that I want to complete.

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How many lapbooks do your kids complete in one school year?It really depends but my children love them and try to do many. Right now we have an additional 4 more to go before June.


How many lapbooks are your kids working on simultaneously? My daughter can work on 2 or 3 at a time, more than that and I pull my hair out.


When do you work on them?During regular schooling time or whenever we feel like it. Some days she will do hours of work for it, others just a little. As part of the lesson? At night as an extra project? On the weekend?


If you had time to only work on a lapbook for one subject, what would it be? History? Science? Literature? I guess I am asking...Which subject do you find them most beneficial?

For us so far, the history but she is BEGGING me for our weather one and told me we cannot start another until that one.


We are very arty/crafty though and veer off from just the lapbook items. We always research extra, add our own mini books, crafts with pictures of those to go in the book, etc.

There is no right way or wrong way with lapbooks. Just enjoy.

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We don't do lapbooks all the time since not all of my kids like lapbooking.


For my younger we have been putting together lapbooks from homeschoolshare.com. We read the book, talk about a subject, and then make the mini book to put into the lapbook. On Friday of that week, I read the book, and we review going over the mini books as we glue them into the lapbook.


For my ds that hates glue, scissors, or any crafty stuff, I to a kind of lap-n-note. I use the subject he loves the most (history) and put his mini books into notebooking pages. He likes to look at notebooks or lapbooks as long as he doesnt have to put it together.


For my ds history notebook to just use a lot of what we already have done. For example adding maps, coloring pages, and narrations. The only thing I add beyond that are some pictures I find on the internet or magazines.


As a general rule we work on one at a time per child. I have also noticed that my dc don't like certain pre made lapbooks, so I always spend time tweaking them to fit our needs.

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Normally we do 3-6 per year, though admittedly we have done none so far this year. We do them in conjunction with a topic, so last year when we first started mummies and pyramids we did a lapbook on each during our history lessons (and right after we did those we put history study on hold for a year). Normally they each only have 1 going on at a time, the olders each do one on the same theme, and my Ker does his own for a different theme usually. If I only had time for 1 lapbook subject, it would likely be in History, only because we are doing notebook pages for Science, otherwise I would do science. For my Ker though they would be based on literature, the ones he has done se far are based on children's poems or a season, though I have some planned to go with stories we are reading.

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We usually end up doing only 4 or 5 lapbooks a year. We work on them during our normal school day. If I were to do only one subject it would probably be science. I find these easier to make up if necessary (if I can't buy one on the subject). Lapbooks tend to go along very well with unit studies and that is how we generally study science. We do holiday and literature lapbooks occasionally, also. History is much easier to notebook for us so we don't do a lot of lapbooking for that.



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How many lapbooks do your kids complete in one school year?


They each do a new lapbook every two weeks or so. Every other week they pick out a new topic, I check out library books, and print out the pieces. Once in a while I create the lapbook.


How many lapbooks are your kids working on simultaneously?


They each work on one at a time.


When do you work on them? As part of the lesson? At night as an extra project? On the weekend?


It is a part of the school day.


If you had time to only work on a lapbook for one subject, what would it be? History? Science? Literature? I guess I am asking...Which subject do you find them most beneficial?


I think science is the most beneficial. But we alternate topics every two weeks. So some weeks they do science, history, literature, geography and some weeks we pick a lapbook where all elements are present.


On my blog, I do have pictures and descriptions of what we have done in the past. Monday starts a new two-week cycle and we will be doing rabbits and ladybugs. In the past we have done American Girls, The Grinch, various animals, etc.


Good luck.:001_smile:

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How many lapbooks do your kids complete in one school year?


Last year I believe we created 5 lapbooks total. This year we should complete a total of 4.


How many lapbooks are your kids working on simultaneously?

Last year we had 3 lapbooks going simultaneously for history, science, and geography. This year we are working on two currently for history and science.


When do you work on them? As part of the lesson? At night as an extra project? On the weekend?


Our science booklets are filled in as I read the lesson. They are premade booklets that I have put together with questions, fill in the blanks, etc. For history, we have a time set aside each day for history narrations where I write them down. On Thursday afternoon and type up the narrations, and we assemble the booklets during our scheduled history time on Friday. The actual lapbooks are generally assembled during history time as well, but sometimes in the afternoon.


If you had time to only work on a lapbook for one subject, what would it be? History? Science? Literature? I guess I am asking...Which subject do you find them most beneficial?



If I had to pick one, I guess it would be history. My oldest still goes back and looks over the history lapbooks that she completed the most often. Since they are packed with her narrations, they provide a great review for her.



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How many lapbooks do your kids complete in one school year?

We just did our first this year- so far we have done 11. That being said I am only really pleased with 5 out of the 11. Due to the kids enthusiasm/quality of the materials found.etc.

How many lapbooks are your kids working on simultaneously?

One! They still overwhelm me.


When do you work on them? As part of the lesson? At night as an extra project? On the weekend?

As part of the lesson. Usually part of a unit study and we do a little each week. Or part of book or lesson and we do a little each day. I think we did one in one day once.


If you had time to only work on a lapbook for one subject, what would it be? History? Science? Literature? I guess I am asking...Which subject do you find them most beneficial?

I think science is most beneficial, but I think that is because we have more of an eclectic science curriculum and it helps supplement it. But dd doesn't like lapbooks unless they are literature based (seems to be the trend) so I'm not sure what to do with that for now, other then do the occasional literature lapbook that we find on homeschoolshare. DS could care less about cutting and pasting himself, so I don't think lapbooks will be big around here until dd #2 gets bigger. I can tell already she'll be all about lapbooks!

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How many lapbooks do your kids complete in one school year?

We just did our first this year also. So far we have completed 3 and are working on our 4th. My DD9 doesn't enjoy these nearly as much as I thought she would. :-(

How many lapbooks are your kids working on simultaneously?

One or Two


When do you work on them? As part of the lesson? At night as an extra project? On the weekend?

We do these in addition to our regular lessons, we really like the ones that are associated with a holiday, to learn more about the traditions.


If you had time to only work on a lapbook for one subject, what would it be? History? Science? Literature? I guess I am asking...Which subject do you find them most beneficial?

I really like the biographies.

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How many lapbooks do your kids complete in one school year?

2 to 3

How many lapbooks are your kids working on simultaneously?

We do one at a time.

When do you work on them? As part of the lesson? At night as an extra project? On the weekend?

After regular school or during the allotted class time.

If you had time to only work on a lapbook for one subject, what would it be? History? Science? Literature? I guess I am asking...Which subject do you find them most beneficial?

Science or History mostly. We've done some lit lapbooks for books we're reading too.

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