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If you had one 'spare' year for middle school history

Laura Corin

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Calvin will probably finish SOTW4 when he is 13 - we have spread it out, adding in Our Island Story and more British history; This Country of Ours and more US history; Kingfisher and more world history.


He is due to start studying for a history exam when he is 14, so what should we do with that extra year from ages 13 to 14? The two ideas I had were a one-year survey of world history, using Van Loon and Gombrich (it's ages since he studied the Ancients) or allowing him to choose a civilisation and specialise in it for a year. The exam is likely to be on 19th and 20th Century history.


Any ideas?





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I would probably lean towards a year of cultural geography, but I'd give him a few choices and have him pick. Maybe study government? Or economics? Maybe a year of 20th/21st century history?

Michelle T


I want to steer away from 20th Century history, because that will be heavily covered in the course he will take from age 14 to 16.





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This won't help you, but we are in a similar situation and we are doing state history. If we were not doing that we would either do geography or civics, I would think.


This upcoming year will be our first time to not be on the four year rotation and it just feels so wrong! I am truly a WTM addict!

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I'd cover economics, political & legal studies and geography. Well actually i'd probably let my DC choose something from one of those areas. Or divide the year in 2 and cover 2 topics that year. Economics first half of the year and p&l second half, you could discuss fiscal & monetary management of the country along with how the system of government works which would link well with economics from the financial side, interest rates, supply & demand etc.


I loved economics and p&l in high school.

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