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Daughter choked on bone in chicken nugget

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So for lunch today we had Foster Farms chicken nuggets and french fries. We were all eating and my 2 year old daughter suddenly started choking. So of course she ended up being ok, but she choked on a bone that was inside of the chicken nugget. It was about an inch long. My husband thinks I should call them and complain. What would you do???


Thanks, Erin

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Oh, that is terrible. Thank God she was alright!


I definitely think that you should notify the company. I have called customer service about products for more minor issues than that. They should do something to compensate you, even if it is just coupons and your money back. And they should know for quality control of the batch.

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I would probably call them to let them know, but I wouldn't make a huge deal of it. Chicken does naturally have bones in it, after all. They may want to be notified of this, in case there is a quality control issue with a particular lot, though.


:iagree: I would call. You don't have to be rude about it (not that I am suggesting that you would be), but they should be made aware.

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