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I'm thrilled, estatic and armed with gazelle intensity!

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I will say that I wish I would have read The Total Money Makeover months ago but so glad that I bought the book now and I haven't had many reasons to jump up and down with pure and utter excitement lately so bear with me while I shout...




Baby Step Two with dedicated gazelle intensity can be accomplished by December 2009!!!!


It will take sacrifice, tons of sacrifice and good ol' fashioned stubbornness on my part not to yield to any temptations but I think it's doable. I watched Dave Ramsey last night on Fox Business and I wanted to reach through the tv and hug the man after reading TMM. Now I want to read Financial Peace which I'll get through the library.


disclaimer- I'm working solely on accounts that have my name on them only with only my income, this has nothing to do with our current household/medical accounts which are in dh's name only. He does not wish to participate in a budget other than one he sets for himself. If I had to do his medical bills on top of what's in my name, it would take much longer to complete Baby Step Two.


in other personal areas of my life...good things are happening but I can't share too much. I finally have personal counseling with the right type of counselor which is worth its weight in gold. I'm doing well at work, I've lost 12lbs. since the beginning of Dec. and I FEEL great. The life road right now is still a bit bumpy but the decision to shed barriers and walk a different road has been freeing in many areas. I'll probably read Dr. Henry Cloud's One Life Solution next, I saw him on Dave's show last night.

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That's great Jessica!


We have Financial Peace University coming in the mail this week and are all ready to go on it ourselves. A relative of mine paid off $80,000 of debt in 2 years using his methods so we are really excited.


Hope everything goes well and God leads you where you need to be.:001_smile:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good for you! We completed FPU back in December and are slowly but surely plugging away. It seems that everytime we have money to put toward the BEF...an emergency happens! But, with tax refunds coming in...we will be able to put our $1000 in the BEF, pay off our van, pay off dh's credit card, the real estate taxes and county taxes AND have some left over to put toward vacation. I'm so excited that we finally have the ball rolling. Keep at it...it is so worth it. Oh, and a plug for the cash envelope system. It takes a few months to get used to but it is so FREEING! No more worrying about the account having enough money in it to cover this charge or that. We use cash for food, gas, clothing, entertainment, gifts and pretty much anything that isn't direct debited. Works out well. Congrats for starting the process and keep up that gazelle intensity! :D

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Speaking of which, has anyone done Foundations in Personal Finance with their high schoolers? It looks good, wish I had the money.


Also, what does Dave say about the current situation, I mean, investing in mutual funds is not a good idea right now...:confused:

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