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Sick cat help, please?

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I posted this on the Ask the Vet group, too, but thought you all might have some words of wisdom.


My cat (5yo) vomitted 3 times this morning. Once, around 3am, it was brown and sticky (like food came up). The next two times, around 6 and 10am, it was more runny. The last time was very pale white. He also dribbled a bit of diarhhea in his litter box.


His ears and top of head are quite warm, but his nose is cool and wet, albeit paler than normal. He did eat a wee bit of kibble around noon. I don't know if he's drinking anything. He's less than his usual active self and napping heavily right now.


He is an indoor cat and neutred, if that makes any difference. He's my baby. :001_smile:


I'm concerned because he's never been sick before. What do you think is going on with him? Should I take him in now, or wait to see if whatever it is passes?

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I would not really wait around and call to have him checked up on. With both diarrhea and vomiting he will get dehydrated rather quickly.


No strange food items or plants that he could have gotten into the last few days?


Is he drinking at all and vomiting up the water? If so he needs to go in, if he is only vomiting the food I would withold the food for a few hours to let his system rest and try small amounts of water to make sure he does not vomit that. If he vomits more than 4 times with diarrhea no waiting just schedule that appointment.


Good luck,


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Guest Alte Veste Academy

I would take him in. I've had cats my whole life and I've never had one get sick with the combination of symptoms the way you're describing. Are you saying his head feels feverish? I thought that was what you meant but then I wasn't sure given that you said it was relative to his cool nose.


I would take him in today. I'm too much of a worrier to wait. The fact that our pets can't tell us anything makes it even harder to know when something is really wrong or just a little off. For what it's worth, I do not rush my kids to the doctor so I'm definitely not one who is never in favor of waiting things out. I agree with the others who are worried about dehydration.


Best wishes!


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Do you have any new house plants? I have two 12 year old cats and my girl (Sissy) nibbled on the stem of a Lily once and almost died. She had the same symptoms as your cat - vomiting constantly and diarrhea. :( I would give her a bit, but if she is still doing this, I would take her to the vet ASAP - if, for nothing else, a dose of phenergin.

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Eeks, since it's Monday (and not a weekend) I'd probably wait one day just to see what's up. Is he drinking and keeping it down?


Yes, he drank some fresh water I set out for him around 1pm (about 2 hrs ago). He had eaten a few bites of kibble at noon. So far, he is keeping both down.


His ears and head still feel warm, but not as hot as this morning.



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Guest Alte Veste Academy

Hmmm. I don't know why this didn't occur to me before, maybe because this is a cat. These were the same symptoms my vet told me to watch for when my dog swallowed a sharded, super sharp chicken wing a couple of weeks ago. Luckily, he passed it safely but vomiting and diarrhea are apparently signs of an intestinal blockage that would require immediate attention.


Also, now that I think of it, I did once have a cat that sick but it took place at the vet's office. My 8 year old kitty, Abby, is allergic to vaccines. She immediately gets a diarrhea/throwing up reaction but it comes on very, very suddenly.


Sorry. :sad:

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Do you have any new house plants? I have two 12 year old cats and my girl (Sissy) nibbled on the stem of a Lily once and almost died. She had the same symptoms as your cat - vomiting constantly and diarrhea. :( I would give her a bit, but if she is still doing this, I would take her to the vet ASAP - if, for nothing else, a dose of phenergin.


Our only house plants are cat grass (rye grass) pots. None of the pots looked like they'd been ransacked. There was no grass in the vomit either.


I'm starting to think he's got a little bug.


Called the vet. She said she was going to be at the neighbour's and will stop in after unless there's an emergency elsewhere. (Our pet vet is our farm vet, btw.) Should see her around 5-ish or so.

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Our kitten vomitted a few times like that several weeks ago, and was very lethargic. Dh took her in and vet said it was just a virus. Gave her a shot of fluids, and a dose of antibiotics(of course, for a virus??) and gave dh the antibiotic to give her at home, but she got quickly better after that and was well by later that day.


I vote to take her in. But I had got very scared by things I had read on the internet while deciding if I should--so I'm glad we did and found out it was nothing.

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Vomiting and the other symptoms you've described could be a cold but also sound like a potential urinary infection. We just nursed our kitty through a urinary obstruction. It is more common in male cats and can be very dangerous. Check to see if kitty is urinating normally.


Signs of urinary problems are: straining in the box, spending increased time in a squat , passing small amounts, urinating in places other than the box (they will try to use tile floors and the sink and soft places because they associate the pain of urination with the box and the surfaces are cool). They will be restless and pace, lick their privates and keep trying to squat. Crystals that form in the urine are painful and if kitty is crying this is a sign too. Passing crystals (only seen with microscope) can lead to blockage and serious problems can develop within 36 hrs. My kitty ended up in emergency one night and had to have a catheter. He was lucky because he came close to surgery. He is on a special diet now and meds. We know what to look for now and have to monitor the little guy. The good news is that he is back to his frisky self...but on a diet and eating better these days. :)

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