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We are on the edge. Please help if you can

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To get a good suction, take him in the shower to loosen everything up (oftentimes the sneezing in the shower will begin to clear it out). Then when you suction him, try plugging the opposite nostril while suctioning. If you don't plug the opposite nostril, the suction will pull at any air it finds in either sinus...even air that is coming up the other nostril. Be careful when using this technique. It only works on noses that are truly snotty. Stuffy noses that are just swollen nasal passages will become worse or possibly bleed.


Second the decongestant drops. You can use them after you suction rather than before.


I feel your pain. I'll be thinking of you in a few days when we're going through same thing. We have the same ugly cold in our house, and although Keira doesn't have it, the 3yo does, so it's only a matter of time.



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Your correct in the notion that the bacteria could be resistant to the amoxicillin. Some ear infections will respond to the amoxicillin but they may also take a second course to get over it. This is often seen in a child with allergies, whose body tends to accumulate fluid behind the ear membrane.


The reason the pharmacist gave you extra is that they only have certain size bottles of medication. The bottles are prefilled with a powder and the pharmacist adds a specified amount of water to the medication before it is given to you to make it a liquid. The doctor will order the medication in a quantity based on weight and age of the child, and will factor in the illness he is treating, and how long he wants the pt to take the med. The doctor will sometimes round it off to the nearest teaspoonful just to make it easier on the parent to measure. The pharmacist will choose the amount of medication to give you based on the doctors instructions, and because there is sometimes more in the premeasured bottles than you need, they will tell you to throw the rest away. They could pour out the extra before they gave it to you, but they know sometimes kids will knock it out of your hand, or throw it up, so they just leave it in the bottle in case you need it to finish the therapy. Check the expiration date on the medication, amoxicillin usually expires 14 days from when it was mixed. Don't use it past that date, even if there is some left.

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Here are some suggestions...


1. Before going to bed, take a warm shower with him. The baby doesn't need the heat of the water (which may help relax you), but the steam will allow for a lot of drainage and clearing of the nasal passages, and help him relax.


2. Vicks (they make a baby version too).


3. Warm mist humidifier close to where he is sleeping. It will help keep the mucous thinner, and drainage easier.


4. Sleeping wedge... so that the baby can sleep more in a reclined position, again helps with drainage.


5. Snuggle with him. As has been suggested, honestly, it's better to get some sleep and break the sleep together when the baby is well than trying to be "tough" when he's sick. If you have a recliner, sleep with him in it. Your warmth will comfort him, and the recline will help keep things drained.


The other suggestions are very good as well (taking shifts, sleeping whenever one of you can.)


I know this is difficult, especially with other children -- a birthday. Plan the "party" for the weekend, to give everyone a bit more time. Do something little for the actual day... maybe a note and a small gift. "Wrap" the presents in gift bags. Try to keep things as simple as possible.


Best wishes...



:iagree: You have received great advice.


Once, someone suggested rubbing garlic on the bottom of baby's feet to relieve cold symptoms. I have never tried it. Perhaps it will work with his runny nose.

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I would put the whole house on hold, put videos on for the other kids- put your husband to bed and take care of the baby. When your husband wakes, put yourself to bed and have him take care of the baby. Nap when the baby naps. Its silly to try and do anything else in such circumstances. It will pass.

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I took ds back to the Dr. yesterday.


Turns out that the originally infected ear is now cleared up, but somehow, while being on the Amoxicilin, the *other* ear became infected. We decided against going on another antibiotic for the time being to allow it time to clear on its own. In the meantime, I give him Motrin as needed for pain.


Also, between yesterday morning and his appt. (which was at 5pm) a tooth broke through! I have been checking and rechecking his gums, but there was never anything there. Even at his original appt on New Years Eve, the Dr. said it looked like it would be about a month before a tooth errupted because we couldn't see or feel anything. It's amazing how quickly these things happen!


So, the Dr. thinks the frequent spit up (which was a new development) and the loose stools (also a new development) were from the tooth. I think the tooth is another reason she wants to hold off on a different antibiotic for his other ear. I'm in agreement in waiting before adding more medication.


His sleeping is much better, but still not where it should be. He was up twice last night, but that's certainly better than every two hours like it was. Most importantly, Dh and I feel like we can function and are no longer quite on the edge.


Thanks again for all of the prayers and advice! This should be my last update and conversation on this subject, which I'm sure thrills you all!;)


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Anyway, thank you SO MUCH to those who prayed and for all of your hugs and words of wisdom!



What a nice time to get a little relief, right before your dd's birthday (Happies to her!). Janna, I am not a doctor-friendly person (except for certain wonderful people like our own Grace in MD), but I'm curious about your reluctance to take him back in. Is it money (which has stopped me from visiting a doctor more than once)? Or time? Or the sense that you can't imagine anything being wrong? The way I look at it, our littles can't talk to us to tell us what's wrong or what hurts, so it's a precaution, on my part, to let a doctor have a look. Like someone else suggested, you might at least call. But, from my experience, they'll just say something really helpful like, "Yes, you probably should bring him in again."



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I am surprised your pediatrician prescribed antibiotics (no, I'm not). The AAP recognizes that the vast majority of ear infections clear on their own and that giving antibiotics tends to cause recurrance at a much higher rate than letting the body take care of it naturally.



The problem with that is there is no way to know who can and cannot get over it on their own until an ear drum busts, so it is important to take care of it. We use tea tree oil, but it only took one busted ear in my son to teach me that lesson.


We use a cool mist humidifier, saline nose drops and a sucker bulb, and warm rags around the nose and cheeks to loosen and clear out the nose. It sounds like allergies more than a cold, but I would certainly go in for a recheck just to be sure. We thought our youngest son had a virus, and well that was not it at all. Hopefully he will feel better soon.

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I took ds back to the Dr. yesterday.


His sleeping is much better, but still not where it should be. He was up twice last night, but that's certainly better than every two hours like it was. Most importantly, Dh and I feel like we can function and are no longer quite on the edge.


Thanks again for all of the prayers and advice! This should be my last update and conversation on this subject, which I'm sure thrills you all!;)


Just thought I would bump this conclusion.

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I would see about some probiotics to help settle his tummy from the antibiotics. Health food stores have some that you can use for a little guy.


Next time, ask the doctor for the ear drops that numb the ear. They are WONDERFUL for pain as they hit right where the pain in and you don't need the motrin then (at least not as much). They work almost instantly. You do have to make sure though that you don't use them if the ear drum has burst.

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