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Were you read to as a child?

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11 minutes ago, crazyforlatin said:

. I did love getting books that came with a vinyl or cassette to listen along but I was older by then. But it also shows that kids on the upper end of elementary school do like to listen to stories even if they can read.

You reminded me! I did have a kids suitcase style record player to play stories that came with books. I loved those!

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9 minutes ago, frogger said:

You reminded me! I did have a kids suitcase style record player to play stories that came with books. I loved those!

I had the suitcase too! Inside was a picture of Michael Jackson. Actually I had another one with a picture of Madonna. Think of their faces back in the 80s. Stranger Things should have put a record suitcase in an episode. 

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5 hours ago, Ellie said:

Nope, except for the "101 Dalmations," the only book my mother ever read to me. My grandmother helped me read the Dick and Jane readers, but otherwise, I was left alone to read or not...which I did: all the horse books in every school library (I went to quite a few schools), my World Book Encyclopedias, even the basal readers from school, which I read almost as soon as I got my hands on them at the beginning of the school year. 🙂

Yes! I always read my school readers from cover to cover at the beginning of every school year! I had forgotten about that!

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Yes, especially my mother read to me a great deal.  We had some "pocket books" which were only 5 or 6 inches tall and wide.  My mom would pull them out at a doctors' appointment or any other time we had a wait.  I loved the stories, but I really enjoyed the poem at the back of each one about a book that fit in a pocket and could be with me anywhere I went--I made her include that poem (that I quickly had memorized) each time she read from one of the books.  if we were home and having quiet time after lunch (I wasn't a napper), she would read to me. and there was always a bed-time story.  My mom also sought out books to "teach a lesson"--going to start swimming lessons--we read a story about a girl who took swimming lessons; I was bit by a dog and was afraid, we read a book about Lassie helping people; I was going to be a big sister, we read Penny and Pete's Surprise (how they wanted a pet pupply but got a baby instead!)  And I mentioned I wasn't a napper--mom even tried a book for that about a boy who was so excited to be going to the zoo that he wouldn't take his nap and then he yawned at the zoo and made all of the animals yawn and fall asleep and ruined the day for everyone at the zoo--to this day I feel bad if I am at a zoo and yawn 🙂

Once I was reading, my mom continued reading to me--reading chapter books (first Bobsey Twins and then Nancy Drew mysteries) that were above my reading level.  She did that until I was through third grade.  

My grandmother read to me (but she was a great story teller and I remember her stories more than her reading to me) and my father read to me some. If you ask what some of my most vivid memories of childhood are--it is my mom reading to me and my dad working in the garden with me.

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