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Just moved - itchy kid


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We just moved into a new home, and now my toddler is itchy--everywhere. Last night he even woke up screaming and scratching his entire body. I have absolutely zero experience with allergies of any sort, so I don't really know where to begin. How can I figure out what is triggering this and how to take care of it?



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Do you have central heat? I'd look to see if those need cleaning. Is everything else the same? Did you have carpet before and carpet now? Did they just clean the carpets? Did they have pets? (fleas?) Regrettfully, I can empathize as we have alot of allergies.... The vents and such being cleaned, if this hasn't happened, might help. Laundry detergent. Just make a list of everything that was...and is...



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Do you have central heat? I'd look to see if those need cleaning. Is everything else the same? Did you have carpet before and carpet now? Did they just clean the carpets? Did they have pets? (fleas?) Regrettfully, I can empathize as we have alot of allergies.... The vents and such being cleaned, if this hasn't happened, might help. Laundry detergent. Just make a list of everything that was...and is...





Hmm.. They did have pets, but so do we. My husband bleached pretty much every surface in the house before we moved in because there was a mouse problem and shampooed the carpets, so I would think that would have taken care of most things. No central heat, just a gas stove in the living room, which we had cleaned out and repaired before we moved in. Unless the bleach could be making him itch??? I don't normally clean with bleach, but we felt it was necessary for disinfecting after the mice.

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I know someone who is allergic to mice and where they've been...hmmm...and ....shampooing the carpets usually involves using chemicals. And with winter (is it cold where you are?) you usually have the windows closed.

I might open up the windows and let it air out, if you used a chemical to clean.... unless you've used that before. Also, they have the same type of pets you have...(cats..you have cats...dogs...you have dogs?)

Hopefully it'll clear up. For a quick skin softener, you can rub him down with crisco after a bath...that you've just blotted him after (versus..drying) then have him sit some place wrapped up in a towel while you read. We've done this with my daughter with great success. (she has skin problems)


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Sorry to hear he's so miserable. Try an oatmeal bath--dump a cup of oatmeal into warm (not hot) bathwater and let him soak a bit.


Could he have chicken pox? Did you move across the country, just the same local area, or somewhere that has different flora?

Does he have any very small bites?--could be fleas from the mice.


Cut his nails extremely short and rewash everything on his bed, keep him off the floor, air your house, and check for plants in your new yard (like poison ivy, oak, sumac). Let us know what you find.

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Thanks for all the input. The carpet shampoo is the same brand we have used in our old home. I haven't seen any bites on him to suggest bugs of any sort. We moved within the same town, so nothing new there.


Is it possible that a virus would cause itching like that? I don't see any rash.

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I have two children that get really dry skin. After bath night if I don't lather my toddler in lotion he wakes up screaming in the night because he is so itchy. Even when I do use lotion he sometimes still wakes up itchy, but I just apply more lotion and it calms the itch down. I limit baths for this reason, especially in the winter when the dry heat blows from the vents. Since you don't have forced air I'm not sure that this suggestion will help, although maybe his skin is dry because of a change in climate. We live in a very dry climate.


Our dermatologist said to use the lotion Cetaphil moisturizing cream. (I get a big container of it from Costco.)


I Hope your son has a better night tonight! :001_smile:

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Do you have gas heat now and not before? Gas heat makes things VERY dry! I would douse him in Aquaphor (similar consistency to Vaseline, but with vitamin K for skin healing, etc.) and put him in sweats to let it soak in well. We all have dry skin here (and gas heat, too), so our fall/winter season sees us going through a lot of Aquaphor! Good luck to you,

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It could be a nervous reaction to the move.


He may be trying to communicate that things 'feel' different.


I break out in hives, itchies, and what we call 'the rubs' whenever I'm nervous. Jocelyn gets blotches, Drew shuts down, Luke gets clingy and his sinuses have gone berserk in stressful situations.

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My first thought is dry skin caused by the gas stove. The combustion dries the air. Since he is itchy everywhere, and there is no rash, I would say dry skin. As others have said, limit baths to once a week (unless he's dirty). Don't let him use very hot water. Limit the bath time to just getting clean. Get a good lotion, and use it every day. Give him Omega-3 fats (can get in soft gels, if he can swallow pills), or in a liquid form (Barleen's Omega Swirl is delicious). Increase his oil intake in general. And, give his lots of water to drink.

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I agree, see what's new. Also want to add that it could be something he ate, or stress from the move. Dd broke out in an awful rash (required steroids to clear up) after eating Dryers peppermint ice cream. We think it was the red dye#3. I also know several people who break out like that when stressed. Maybe it's just being in an unfamiliar place?



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