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Making TEA in a one room home.

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Love this thread. I recently made dh "fix" our wooden frame bed so that it would stop CREAKING during tea making. I kept laughing so much the darn tea wouldn't brew.



You know what they say, "When the bed's rockin', don't come knockin'." I think that should include creaking. The other day, our oldest ds mentioned at dinner about the banging on the wall at nap time, and wondering who was being so loud. :blush: Oops.

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We like to jump on our bed. The dc are allowed to jump on their beds and sometimes... a couple times a week, dh and I like to jump on our bed. Since our bed is old, it's too dangerous for dc, so we lock our door.


The kids think we've got the best bed jumpin' team around... we practice enough ;)

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We had to trade rooms with our kiddos in a duplex once. Our neighbour would have boyfriends over and apparently her bed was against the wall. I would be woken up by my little ones screaming that something was coming to get them, and sure enough, it sounded like they were trying to tear down the wall!

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Nope...but I never thought about their TEAality before. I could barely look them in the eye that morning. Feel like a kid that just walked in on their parents.


Yes. It is a bit of a shock to discover that tea is rather... ubiquitous.


I have a friend whose college roommate did not know that her parents made tea more than 3 times (three kids) until she was actually in college. So when this woman's own children became aware of the whole tea making procedures, and asked if Mommy and Daddy made tea, she was compelled to save her daughter the mortification that she felt, so she said, "Oh yes! Thousands and thousands of times!"

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Thousands and thousands of times, eh? Guess she got over the 3x's = 3kids bit once she discovered her own TEAality, eh? LOL!



We've had various men (car sales, coworkers, etc) that slap hubby on the back and say, "you a lucky man, wish I was in your shoes" *wink *wink! whenever they find out how many kids we have. They assume, that many kids, we must be making lots of TEA. If only they knew...many kiddos many times equals less brewing.

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And yet, romance novels make it sound sooooo appealing!!!:lol:


I always thought TEA on a deserted beach (with the waves softly lapping nearby) would be very romantic. The reality of this is *nothing* like I imagined. One must have a tolerance for getting sand everywhere. Like, you know, everywhere. :glare:



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I always thought TEA on a deserted beach (with the waves softly lapping nearby) would be very romantic. The reality of this is *nothing* like I imagined. One must have a tolerance for getting sand everywhere. Like, you know, everywhere. :glare:



From one Julie to another... ev-er-ee-where!


It takes days to get the sand out of your hair, or so I've heard.

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Thousands and thousands of times, eh? Guess she got over the 3x's = 3kids bit once she discovered her own TEAality, eh? LOL!



We've had various men (car sales, coworkers, etc) that slap hubby on the back and say, "you a lucky man, wish I was in your shoes" *wink *wink! whenever they find out how many kids we have. They assume, that many kids, we must be making lots of TEA. If only they knew...many kiddos many times equals less brewing.


Well. Maybe I'm misremembering, and she actually said, "hundreds and hundreds of times!"


Men are goofy with all that nudging and winking. But I am a little confused. Some of my very best teatimes were during pregnancy and I was always ready for tea when preggers. Is it just that having so many young ones in the house exhausts you? Or is the actual pregnancy getting in the way of brewing frequency? I hope it's okay to ask -- just curious.

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Certain times during pregnancy, won't happen at all...other stages, the tea is always brewing. Then after the baby...yeah, no tea again for a bit or at least very little. Once the cycles start, then it's on again.



I don't think it's the pregnancy the men are thinking of though...I think it's just the "evidence" of a possibly healthy TEA life combined with the way men have certain extreme thinking.

Edited by mommaduck
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Oh, see, mine are 5 years apart, so I'd forgotten about the interruptions to the regularity of tea time.


This reminds me of a story. (I'm full of them in this thread!) A friend of mine was getting annoyed with her husband, who was pacing around waiting and waiting for tea after their baby was born. He was whiny and pathetic and really getting on her nerves. When she came home from her 6 week check up, he was at the front door waiting for her. He'd come back from work early, to, I don't know, check on her progress? So there she is, coming up the front walk with a baby car seat in one arm, and when she saw him waiting, she was so exasperated, she whipped open her jacket, started undoing her pants, and said, "Oh, all right! Come on, if you're that desperate, take off your clothes!"

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I always thought TEA on a deserted beach (with the waves softly lapping nearby) would be very romantic. The reality of this is *nothing* like I imagined. One must have a tolerance for getting sand everywhere. Like, you know, everywhere. :glare:




in the dark of night, have a very manicured and soft feel that is quite well tethered to the ground. Er, I have heard...

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I'm intrigued by the educated guesses, inspired by the ones based on personal information, and giggling at the sillier ones (like mine).


I'll just add this one thought, which I think will sum up everything quite tidily:


Where there's a will, there's a way! :D






.....And that, my dear, is the rest of the story.

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