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Any Sunday Tacklers Tackling Today?


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I slept in a bit and got ready for church. 

Dh and I made breakfast together. 

Dh taught our class, and ds texted me saying he was coming on home. We left after class and came home to spend more time with him. It was great hearing all about his Italy trip!  We took him out to lunch, and he is heading over to dd's gf's house to play D&D. 

I'm doing some laundry for him, and he'll come back for dinner. 

I need to:

  • finish prepping for tomorrow
  • meal plan/grocery list
  • grocery shopping
  • laundry for him
  • dinner (He requested my homemade chicken alfredo because it is an American thing and was disappointed he couldn't get it in Italy.)
  • pay bills/update the big budget book
  • watch something and relax


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Good Afternoon

We are in the beginning of 3 day winter storm.  It’s been snowing all day so will spend day inside except for quick dog trips

laundry catching up

dishwasher ran clean cycle and loaded up

make spring cleaning list or find a good one online that will work

clean LR 

organize pantry

organize linen closet 

have ds’ s shovel sidewalk to keep up instead of all at once later.

make another attempt trimming dogs nails

watch something fun 

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Good afternoon!

We’ve been to church. I’ve had lunch (leftovers) and done a bit of housekeeping. 

Enjoying the second cup of coffee I never got to this morning while thinking about this week.

To Do:
Take medication ✔️ 
Figure out Easter lunch plans ✔️ 
Visit mom ✔️ 
Meal planning through Wed
Decorate for Easter
Do some online clothes shopping?

Dinner is pork chops, cheesy cauliflower, roasted potatoes, and leftover asparagus cold, as a salad. ✔️ 

Edited by ScoutTN
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@prairiewindmomma, I don't like grocery shopping on the weekend, especially Sunday, but I just didn't have time until today. The stores are more crowded and more stuff is sold out. Is it the same in your area?

Meal plan and shopping are done. 

A private student contacted me about helping with something, so I hopped on Zoom with her. It was nice to see her because she hadn't needed my help since before Christmas. 

One load of his laundry is done, and the second is in the dryer. 

Schoolwork is next until I start dinner. 

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Cannot find any of my Easter decorations?! So weird. One place left to look tomorrow, mom’s storage unit. They are definitely not in my house. 

Moved the laundry.

Starting dinner. My lunch was light and I am hungry! 

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Still snowing, they are now saying 12-18 inches for today. Some public transportation is being shut down. North of us is blizzard conditions- hope it stays north.

pup is having fun in the snow, jumping bouncing sniffing then shivering


Laundry caught up

carpets cleaned

still looking for a realistic spring cleaning list


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2 hours ago, mom31257 said:

@prairiewindmomma, I don't like grocery shopping on the weekend, especially Sunday, but I just didn't have time until today. The stores are more crowded and more stuff is sold out. Is it the same in your area? 

I have some lifting restrictions, so I have to shop when dh or the kids can carry grocery bags for me. It’s been this way for about a decade now. Dh took shopping over entirely for a while during covid, but I like getting to go, so it’s a bit of time together.

The stores we go to generally dont have stuff sold out anymore, but back when that was more of a problem, we’d go shopping early in the morning on a weekday. 

There’s a strong sleep in on weekends vibe here in the PNW—traffic is generally light on weekends until after lunch.

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Dinner was good, though my guys are at a neighbor’s, watching bball and haven’t eaten yet. Did a bit of lunchbox prep for tomorrow; game day = hefty after-school snack/light dinner, in addition to regular meals. 

Finished the laundry. 
Thought about tomorrow. 
About to settle down with my book.

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DS's team moves to the next round, through a combination of luck and work.  They were not at their best, but they had enough determination to see it through.

I'm currently making second dinner, getting ds to finish his homework, and then I still need to help put sheets on the bed.

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