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Anyone Tackling Sunday, 3.3.24?


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Good morning!

I will head to church early to double-check some things before Sunday school.

After the late service, I’m taking Ds and his friend to see a college lacrosse game, then out for lunch.

Then maybe to the Y? They have youth group tonight.

Meals are leftovers/whatever we have.

I need to think about this week and look ahead. 



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Happy Sunday!

  • Already took ds to his game.  It was as good as it could be under the circumstances.  One player got kicked out 30 seconds in because the ref thought he might have seen that he was getting ready to punch (even the other ref questioned it as did the coaches from both teams), and then a kid from the opposite team was kicked out at the end for repeated boarding/attempt to injure.  Score: tie.
  • Grocery shopped
  • made coffee
  • helped ds with homework
  • violin
  • 10,000 steps
  • get ds to do a practice NLE
  • talk to the adult children and explain, again, why trash day is Thur-Sat morning.  Tell them how to get their own damn dump access sticker if they continue to fill the bins Saturday afternoon.
  • sort through pictures
  • dinner: honey mustard chicken, roasted potatoes and carrots.
  • get everything ready for the week.  I have a few things to make sure are lined up by day or in the car/ready to go.
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Lax game time was changed, moved earlier, so we’ve already missed it. Fun afternoon for Ds and friend is now ruined. 😠☹️

So now I will have a super-grouchy, bored boy all day. And we have missed a large portion of the worship service. ☹️

Might cook for dinner now?

Will get more time with Dd this afternoon and maybe a nap?

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The girls' basketball team lost 71-44 last night. Making it to the final four is an honor, though!  The team they played is a private, Christian school in Marietta that definitely recruits. Justin Fields' sister plays for them if you know who he is.   Next year, schools like that will be moved out of the playoffs with the public schools. Dh thinks that will give our team an even better chance of going to the end. 

We drove separately to church this morning because dh and dd were meeting to see Dune 2 this afternoon. I want to see it, but they saw the first one together. He will see it again with me, but I'm not sure when. 

I'm mostly done with stuff for school for tomorrow. 

I've been trying to do some intermittent fasting because I would like to lose a little weight. I have read it is so good for your health. I went 17 hours, which is the longest I've gone. Honestly, I felt pretty good. 

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Dd just left to go back to school. Gray Sunday afternoons and evenings are hard for her bc her roommate is often not there and there’s not anything fun going on with friends, dorm room is not comfy like her room here, and eating in the cafeteria is meh at best. It will be better next year when she has an apartment and maybe even the dog. She will be home for SB next Friday. 

Dinner will be ? Not feeling much like cooking, but we ordered out last night and don’t have money in the budget to do another meal out for a while.

Hopefully, Dh will drive Ds to/from youth group this evening?

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worked on cleaning up/unpacking in the art room...I only get handfuls of minutes at a time and then I realize I need more of a different size bin. Making progress, but it's slow. Got 11 lbs of northern out of the freezer to start the pickled fish process. 

Threw a chuck roast on the grill today. Having some cornbread, slaw and potatoes. Might watch a movie later. 

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I forgot to post that I made several reservations this weekend. I made hotel arrangements on the way going down to Florida and on the way back with my younger sister and dad. We leave next Sunday and come back here the following Sunday. 

I made Airbnb reservations near New River Gorge and Shenandoah national parks for the the week of our Spring break. We are picking up dd and going to Mammoth Cave, and then we'll go to middle KY to my younger sister's house. She'll go with us to WV and VA to see those parks. 

I got this water bottle for dd for Christmas, so it is already inspiring trips! 

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I had a weekend here at home with not much going on, so I watched several romantic movies on Netflix. They were all so good and clean by most standards. I highly recommend them if you like that kind of movie. 

Love at First Sight, Happiness for Beginners, Love Again, and A Beautiful Life (Danish film)

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Happy Sunday evening!

I packed up the hand-me-downs that my kids purged, and headed off to my sister's house.  Between the new stuff and the boxes I already had, there were 6 boxes of clothes and books.  It feels good to be done with that, and I think my nieces will find things they like in there.

My niece had to interview me about my career.  It was kinda funny that the first question was how much I get paid.  😛  I don't get paid the way most people do.  And people in the profession she currently aspires to (tax attorney) can make a pretty wide range of salaries.  The next question was about the education needed for the job, which was much easier.  😛  Then, what I do.  Well ... over the 32 years since I finished school, I've done a lot of different things.  I may have bored my niece.  😛

Then I had a nice chat with my sister before heading home.

Fixed the drain in the bathroom sink.

I've sent out some client work, and I have my 3rd load of laundry in the washer.  One more load to go.

I think I will take the dog for a walk now, and then get back to work.

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Posted (edited)

Dd texted that she was going to watch intramural soccer with friends. 🙂

Set my alarm. Only two days to get up early this week, and none next week!! 😎

Started the dishwasher. 

Enjoying my book and some hot tea. Will be going to bed soon. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

Dinner is cheese tortellini in red sauce, with broc or green beans as a side, and salad ingredients available for those who want to make one.

DH’s comment was, “Yuck.” I let him know that he’s in charge of dinner this coming week. 

Seriously, what adult responds that way?! 😡

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4 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

DH’s comment was, “Yuck.” I let him know that he’s in charge of dinner this coming week. 

Seriously, what adult responds that way?! 😡

That was rude.  I never complain about someone else making me food!  You realize how nice that is to have a time off of cooking.  Sorry he reacted like that.

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