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Glad it's over?

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I am happy it's over. Everything went great, but a major holiday mixed with adhd kids who can't cope with the extra stimulation drives me to the edge of insanity, especially when added to my own anxiety issues about the holiday. I will feel better in the next few days when we get back on a normal routine again.

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I normally love Christmas, but unfortunately this one wasn't good this year. Dh and I seemed to be out of synch. I felt pretty lonely this year.


Is anyone else out there glad it's over?


I could have written this post. :( 'Cept I'm not glad it's over. Christmas was such a non-event for our family this year, I hardly feel like it happened. :crying: Oh sure, there were a ton of gifts for the kids to unwrap but dh and my hearts just weren't into it this year. I'm devastated and need to come to terms with the fact that some years, things just don't come together like I want them to.

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I'm glad it's over.


We had such a busy week, filled with huge church or family gatherings, lots of young kids and not enough time for a nice adult conversation. By the Christmas day we were exhausted.


It was fun, but I don't want to see anyone until the end of the week.

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Generally, I'm in the "thrilled" it's all over category. Extended family dynamics push me right to the brink of insanity, shopping endlessly makes me want to crawl in a hole. The kids always hate travelling to our extended family 6 hours away.


This year, I wish Christmas could go on and on forever . . . because we've not left the house. Nobody got an invitation to be with us. We were just us. No travel. No huge performance dinner plans for me to cook. No huge stress over gift-giving. We bought our extended family the equivalent of goats by donating a chunk of change for our international church plant. Totally released me from the shopping frenzy of buying "stuff" that may or may not be well received. The kids played all day long Christmas day, with no fighting. (Can I hear a collective yes and amen!) My husband slept for 3 hours on the couch and woke up refreshed and happy. I spent those same hours reading The Shack, which gave me puffy eyes for the Christmas Dinner by candlelight that we ate at 9pm.


Truthfully, I can't believe it's taken us 10 years to learn that protecting our family unit at Christmas produces tremendous happiness. Who knew?

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The kiddies will never approve taking down all the Christmas decorations today, but I'm going to start doing a few each day with the idea of taking down the tree next week. And I told them that we're going to clean the downstairs today.


Christmas is a one-woman show in our house, and it was tougher this year bumping around in a cast all month. At least I get the cast off next week :001_smile:!

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I'm glad the Christmas season, for us, has only begun. The commercial aspect is not Christmas to me at all. It's a hassle and something I dread, but go through anyway. My youngest is 12, though. I think every now and then that these years go so quickly, and I need to make the most of them.


And when I get old, I've got definite ideas about how I will "do" Christmas when my boys are married and grown. I think I will strive for a family holiday/reunion time that isn't Christmas. Exchange gifts on some other day than the 25th of December. Free up our boys' future families from a little extra stress so they can have an easier time of it, and be more able to celebrate the religious aspects of this great holiday without expectations.


Christmas is not supposed to be a pressure to stimulate the economy, or a magnifier for family dysfunction. I hate what it's become, and I'm really glad that's all over and the true Christmas season, which we celebrate until the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, which we celebrate on January 11.

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