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Tackling Monday Together, 2.26.24


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Good morning!  I got ds14 off to school.  I'm sure you all have watched The Truman Show, where all the cars start and stop on a pattern?  That's what it's like here.  Every morning, we see the giant black dog walked by his owner, the small white school van waiting for us to pass, the purple truck going to the fire department.....every morning, it's the same thing up and back.  EXCEPT, the school district moved the high school buses back 10 minutes this week.  So poor ds, who thrives on consistency, got worried and double checked his watch a few times because it was all so off.  The traffic patterns were not in the least bit the same.

For the rest of today:

  • violin
  • coffee
  • wash the sheets
  • decide on dinner/grocery shop for the week
  • 10,000 steps
  • make something for the court of honor tomorrow night
  • type my notes


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I too have gotten a boy to school. I’m making coffee and b’fast. I have some time to catch up a bit this morning.

Housekeeping ✔️ 

AHG things ✔️ 

Email/electronic chores ✔️ 

Figure out dinner.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning!

Dh is off to work with a lot of food because he works at the charter school tonight and needed to take lunch and dinner. 

I've been working on the laundry for ds.

  • 4 Zoom sessions
  • finish laundry
  • ds might come down today to get it
  • make dinner for us
  • prep for stuff tomorrow
  • tidy house
  • clean kitchen
  • watch something and relax
Edited by mom31257
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Good Morning

Beautiful weather today sunny and may get to 60.  Last year on this day started at-7 and 10 inches snow. I’ll take todays weather

ds needs ride to dentist for hygienist and fu from wisdom teeth 

time outside with pup

enjoy the weather 

One meeting


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Dishwasher is switched over

11,000 steps done. It started raining halfway through my walk but it was that nice light rain that promised spring was coming, so I can't really mind too much.

Laundry is drying.  Stairs are swept, rooms are tidy.

I get to enjoy lunch and a hot cup of tea while I relax for a bit.

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And the rest of the evening is going pretty smooth.  DS decided to skip the court of honor in favor of a school function tomorrow.  Yay! It means I don't have to stress over balancing his need for slower release carbs/protein and a table overloaded with cookies/cakes.  He's also got the NLE next week, so rather than working on other things with me he started doing practice tests.

Leftovers for dinner tonight.  We still have plenty in the fridge.  Tomorrow is honey mustard pork chops over a warm barley salad.

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I have lots to do.  But little focus.  Not a great combination.

We have a big project closing tomorrow, so that's filling up my inbox, and messing with my concentration.  I also don't think I really slept last night.

I think I will go eat something and get back to it.

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I switched out the laundry, ate, washed dishes, and walked the dog.

I need to get at least one thing out before midnight, and then continue working until I get a bunch more out.  The first one is to comment on audit reports.  This new auditor is so confused.  Of course it's also a new client, so they think I made the mistake.  😕  I promised to handle it "today," so that's my #1 goal for tonight.  After I put the dog to bed....

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