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What is your favorite weather app?

Indigo Blue

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AccuWeather has been my go to, but the ads are driving me crazy. It does seem to be very accurate for a “crap app” (term one of our meteorologists uses to describe them lol). 

If I really need to scrutinize radar, I like Wunderground for the Wundermap. 

I prefer AccuWeather for quick and easy. 

Wunderground if you want all the details. 

As to whether forecasting is better or worse now… I think overall it’s better. The computer modeling is better. Radar is so much better, and so the ability to identify tornadoes on radar has definitely improved. This is a biggie where I live because it’s hilly and our tornadoes are almost always “rain wrapped”. Not visible to human eye. 

Edited by popmom
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I use WeatherBug on my phone.  i appreciate it will show approx. location of lightening strikes - especially when I'm at 2dd's house.  where they will get tornadoes.   I have my location, and 2dd's location permanently set for readings.

(and don't ask me what dsil was thinking when HE OPENED THE FRONT DOOR TO SEE the tornado coming down the street!   (because they have one?  two? windows on the west side of the house and he couldn't see anything.  Then he couldn't close the door.  smh.  (at least it was in a bricked in alcove on the north side of the house and the garage stuck out further on the westside giving some shelter.) This was AFTER he'd seen a kiddie pool fly across their backyard from the neighbor's on the west to the neighbor's on the east, and multiple sections of fence fall down.
at least it was small.  I love you, but sometimes . . . whack.


We live in an area notoriously difficult to forecast.  

Edited by gardenmom5
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An Oklahoma weather guy named Aaron Tuttle has his own app, I think it might now be called AT Weather. I also follow him on social media. 

He predicted the Moore tornado 10 days beforehand, which is when my neighbor in Oklahoma told us to not travel that day and download his app. He predicted the Polar Vortex (a few weeks ago) before Christmas. 

If you notice a problem with the app and report it, he personally messaged me and had it fixed in less than 48 hours. He’s not as good with hurricanes, but the app pushes the NWC warnings as fast as any other. 

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