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Tackling Thursday Together! 10.5.23


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Good morning!  Coffee is done.  So is:

  • make child's lunch
  • get into argument with said child about the need for a real backpack and not a string daypack
  • bibliography turned in (pivoted my research paper from Elizabeth Fry to Rosalind Franklin, due to the lack of recent research on Fry)
  • half my reading for literature class

Still to do:

  • run to Target and see if I can find a rainjacket for the child
  • history class
  • take child to skating
  • dinner: pork meatballs, vegetables, rice
  • email scoutmaster
  • violin
  • 10,000 steps
  • help ds gather things for camping tomorrow night.
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Having it now, @ScoutTN


So, my day today:
....get kids up & out on time (oops! had to pause and go do that!)
....do a little prep ahead for school (1st & 2nd grade)

....make sure I have some math stuff to  help my tutor kid/4th grader with math facts (print/prep)
....maybe work some on the closet shelves???
....or else sew the 3rd set of strips for my friend's quilt extension?? 
....remember to watch a video by my local quilt shop owner/friend, who is closing her shop, to find out what's up (she's moving, but shop details, I don't know)
.....go tutor the 4th grader  (little sis has a drs appt)
....come home, cook dinner -- potato soup, as we're getting a 3rd day of rain and "cooler" temps 
....eat, go to fencing, come home, go to bed

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Boy was slow to get up and then forgot his earbuds, but he and they are now at school for the day. Football game tonight (because there’s no school tomorrow), but I need to be at AHG. 

Cull dress-up basket and give away most of it. Think through storage for remaining items. ✔️ 

Continue general household organizing and decluttering! 

Moms in Prayer ✔️ 

Grocery ✔️ 
Make something easy for dinner

AHG tonight

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Good morning! 

No, I haven't had coffee, but I drink decaf. 

  • dh's breakfast and lunch
  • exercise
  • shower/get ready
  • online student
  • 7000+ steps (that is the minimum for the insurance challenge)
  • go run errands for us and quilt show
  • lunch out or here?
  • 2 more students online
  • dinner
  • see if I can get dh to play a game or two
  • look at any school work that needs doing soon
  • watch something and relax
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Good Morning

Ds is calling oral surgeon he thinks a hole broke loose in sinus area, hoping that’s not the case

hang some laundry up outside

I have people interested in my old wood pile so maybe I will be able to get rid of it. I have a fireplace but won’t burn this really old wood inside.

clean area of acorns so pup can play without me chasing her digging acorns out of her mouth

one zoom meeting today

empty soil out of garden boxes used for greens

ds wants a pumpkin bundt cake so find recipe for him


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kids are up & out on time 

next week is loaded into the school bag and ready to go

one more week ahead prepped for 1st & 2nd (K was already another week ahead), so that's the next 3 classes ready (one in the bag, two in the "ready to go" file)

printed some math facts practice sheets for today's tutor kid, and will pair it with graph paper and some colored pencils/pens/highlighter/something so she can do arrays while she works out the multiplication facts

eating breakfast, then will probably do one more week ahead which covers all of October

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Decorated my mantle.

Roaster chx is almost done.

Kabocha squash goes in next. Making soup with it for tonight. 

Need to prep a green salad.

To do:
Costume stuff - drop some at a friend’s and some at thrift. ✔️ 

Remember to pick up girls on the way to AHG!! ✔️ 

Buy a greeting card. 

WM return? ✔️ 

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Took a 2 hour nap!!!! Wow! (it is gray and rainy and dreary)

Found a set of "mental math games" on a learning website I belong to, which will be I think good practice for the tutor kids, or at least the 4th grader, to really work through getting faster at stuff and doing things in her head, etc. I hope. Downloaded all the sets, printed the first one. 

Heading to fold towels, and then.....? 

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Chx is pulled. Soup is made. Kitchen is tidy.

Vacuumed  and swiffered the common spaces.

Got a nice email from one of Ds’ teachers. He is making good progress in her class. 

Found a card in my pile that will work for tonight.

It’s raining - glad I am going to AHG instead of the game. 😜We need the rain and right now it is just slow and steady, not a downpour. Lacrosse season will have plenty of rain for me to sit and watch games in….🙄😬



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@history-fan, yikes! I hope he doesn't have another hole! 

@TheReader, I took a nap today, but it was only 30 minutes. I just hope I can sleep tonight. 

Dh and I didn't play a game, but we did watch Amazing Race and then went for a walk before I made dinner. 

We are trying to figure out somewhere to go and something to do the weekend of Thanksgiving. Dd is off work and ds will be home.  Dd likes good food and history or artsy stuff. Ds does like good food and outdoorsy stuff but doesn't like history museums. They are both going on separate trips to Blue Ridge in the month before Thanksgiving, so I don't think they want a repeat of that. @ScoutTNhave you spent much time in the area around Cookeville? Is there much to do in that part of the state? 

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