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Tackling Monday Together, 9.18.23


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Dh is off to work with his breakfast and lunch. 

I've done my bible study, and I'm dressed and ready for classes.

  • medicine
  • coffee
  • 4 Zoom sessions
  • 1 in-person student
  • work on press release for quilt exhibit
  • contact two local papers
  • prep for students tomorrow
  • dinner
  • laundry
  • pay bills/update checking
  • watch something and relax
Edited by mom31257
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Good morning!

I am enjoying my coffee and thinking of all that needs to get done this week. Need to make lists!! I leave for an AHG event Thursday morning and will be home Sunday afternoon. So, on top of regular M-W things, I need to get AHG/camping/trip stuff prepped, and food/lists for my guys at home. 

Make lists! ✔️ 
Grocery ✔️ 
Housekeeping ✔️ 
Tutor morning student ✔️ 
Ds to practice He rode the bus.
Tutor 2 afternoon students
Begin prepping gear ✔️ 

Dinner is Italian sausage soup, salad, and bread. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Already done:

  • coffee
  • change over the dishwasher
  • make ds breakfast/lunch
  • grocery shopping

Still to do:

  • work on my paper
  • 10,000 steps
  • send off meeting record
  • pickup ds from the bus stop (it's going to be pouring all day)
  • go over homework with ds
  • make sure everything's ready for the slew of activities tomorrow
  • dinner: chili
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Happy Monday!

Gorgeous day outside so far.

Stressy day inside, though.  I have a conference call in 15 minutes for which I need to prepare, and also which may be unpredictable.  I'm coffeeing up and need to read something quick.

Hopefully I'll come back to the thread in a more relaxed mood after the call ....

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So the conference call wasn't on the client's calendar ... possibly because he used a "cancelled" call notification to set it up somehow ... I don't get it either.

They will set up another call with a lot more people on it.  I will be expected to know a lot about stuff I almost never do.  It's about a government report that is due in either 2 or 12 days depending on which document you believe.  Sigh.

Today's other conversations have focused on (a) why I didn't make a borrower provide reports that I requested at least 8 times, and (b) the graphic details of my dog's barf.  The week is starting off great.  😛

Yesterday, I had a nice ambitious list of to-do's.  I finished 2 items on the list:  walk the dog and finish the laundry (up to drying the last load).  I hardly got any sleep last night.  But, I am gonna try to knock more to-do's off today.


  • Laundry in the wee hours.
  • Made sure the kids got off to school on time; reminded them to take their band uniforms for photos.
  • Took the dog out.
  • Some client work.
  • Yoga etc.
  • Ate fruit, took vitamins.
  • Checked calendar, kids' school stuff, emails, news, and social media.

To do:

  • Lots of client work.
  • Process the last of the laundry & put it away.
  • Pay all bills.
  • Compute and pay whatever I owe Kid1 (this to-do is over a year old now).
  • Make the kids do homework & housework.
  • If possible, purge some things from the kids' rooms.
  • Eat veggies, drink water.
  • Walk the dog.
  • A little personal reading.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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one meeting done 

Took down tomato stakes in garden. Picked all the tomatoes- dh will bring some to work for coworkers 

finish setting up tshirt shop

add a few things to website 


keep training pup

one meeting in an hour and another tonight 

set up puppy play yard in backyard 

Remove acorns from play yard. There are buckets of acorns this year


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10,000 steps done.  I took a four mile walk in the rain, but yay for large umbrellas!

I'll be picking up ds in a few minutes and determining the rest of the evening.  He was invited for an extra training session but I'd like to leave it up to him if he wants to go.  I just need to work around it if that's the case.

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