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Thursday Tacklers, Come In! 9.14.23


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Today is the first morning with fall temps here. Hopefully, cool nights and sunny days will give us pretty leaves this year.

Shower ✔️ 
Prayer meeting ✔️ 
Vote (mayoral runoff)
Make two hotel reservations ✔️ 
Take mom for a haircut ✔️ 
Grocery ✔️ 
Cook - chx spaghetti ✔️ 

Dinner out with two old friends who are in town for work! I am so excited! These are friends I haven’t seen in about 10 years. ✔️ 

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@ScoutTN, how fun! Enjoy your friends. 

  • dh's breakfast and lunch
  • medicine
  • coffee
  • meals
  • watch video from class I missed last night
  • bible study
  • prep for some students
  • 3 Zoom sessions 
  • 1 in-person
  • pest guy coming today since we had the schedule mix-up
  • work on lesson plans for next week
  • grade homework
  • watch something and relax


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Good morning! 

So, last night DH's dad called and said "hey, that safe, the guy is bringing it to you this weekend" -- Umm, we're out of town this weekend. What? (DH's dad lives out of the country; he has a large safe that he wants DH to have. The safe is at an uncle's house an hour away, and FIL has been figuring out how to get it to us)

So, a hilariously frustrating series of back & forth phone calls later, and the guy is bringing it *today* (this morning) so we can get it before we go out of town. Also, it's going to cost us $400 (but FIL is going to send us half) to get it here. SOOOO, last night we had to quick clear out space in the closet, rearrange things, take the closet door off the hinges, etc. so the guy can put it in place. 

Also --  we have thunder!!!! This is the closest we've been to rain in........two and a half months???? Def none in Aug, maybe none in July.....hmm, I think it did rain a little right around July 4th. I don't think since. 

Anyway, all that to say, today's list:
...kids up & out on time

...put dogs up so they don't interfere with the guy dropping off the safe
...finish typing last tutor notes from Tues, make sure I have everything for today (prep some "homework" for both girls for the mom)

...do a little prep ahead for Oct school stuff
...review Monday's science stuff, make sure the supplies are packed & ready as I won't have time on Sunday really (or will, but will be tired)
...text my friend for tomorrow, let her know I can't stay for coffee after I work with her grandbabies
...sew???? I think I'll actually have time today! 
...go tutor the kids
....come home, eat, change, go see Iliza Schlesinger tonight! Yay! should be fun
...come home, go to bed

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got the safe moved -- DH's uncle *doesn't know the code for it*   DH is texting his dad. Hopefully we get *that* sorted or this is one expensive carpet-holder-downer we just acquired. :sigh: 

Kids just texted, their 2nd class was cancelled, so sorting out who is picking up (me, DH, or Oldest) and doing that

got the tutor notes typed up, some sight word work for both girls printed for "homework" (per the mom's request), so that's good

texted my friend, no coffee tomorrow after tutoring

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I watched part of the video from last night. 

I ate breakfast.

2 Zoom sessions are done. I enjoyed doing precalculus. I know it will be a challenging year for me, but it could help me find more students. I don't see myself offering an online class for it because all the homeschool students I know tend to go through Algebra 2 and start dual enrollment for any other math.  Georgia pays for 30 hours of dual enrollment classes, so it makes sense. 

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@history-fan, I had hard-boiled eggs for breakfast. I add some vegan butter, salt, and pepper. That and deviled eggs are my favorite ways to eat eggs!

Could you all help me with something? I have a parent asking me if they could pay me to set up a grade record for their child, to add grades they submit to me (I already keep the math grades), and to create the transcript when it is needed. I have no idea what to charge for this. Any thoughts? 

I am thinking I should charge by grade and that I should charge more for the 12th-grade year, possibly the 11th. There's always more to do in later years than early ones. 


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4 hours ago, LifeLovePassion said:

It's my birthday. Picked up stuff for El Pastor tacos and a cheesecake. Work is still busy, just trying to find the rhythm and balance of classes/grading/planning. It will come, but this week is busier as the behavior honeymoon period ended and I have a new unit starting Monday. 

Happy Birthday!!! I hope you had a great day and will have an amazing year!

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@mom31257 I have no idea what to charge. When they say setting up a transcript are they wanting year or term by term or that they want from 9th grade on? So would you have to make a template for the transcript? Or would you set it up in a google doc and send it to them to add grades later?

Maybe I am thinking too much.  I could see it being a time consuming project and maybe charge what you would for tutoring. You might want to set something up because you may start getting more requests to do this.   

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On 9/14/2023 at 10:06 PM, mommyoffive said:

Happy Birthday!!! I hope you had a great day and will have an amazing year!


On 9/14/2023 at 9:51 PM, ScoutTN said:

@LifeLovePassion Happy Birthday!!!🎉🎂🎈 


@mom31257 Would you charge per hour? I charge between $35 and $50/hr for tutoring. 




On 9/14/2023 at 10:23 PM, history-fan said:

@LifeLovePassionHappy Birthday🎂

Thank you for the birthday wishes 🙂 

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