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Tackling Thursday Together, 5.11.23


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Dh had breakfast at school again, so I slept in. 

Today is my last official homeschool classes of the year, but I will still have individual students. 

  • medicine
  • laundry 
  • coffee
  • 3 Zoom sessions
  • 2 in-person students
  • do final grading and recording of some work still coming in
  • read for the local book club I host next week
  • meals
  • find something new to watch along with rewatching Poldark


Edited by mom31257
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Good morning!

Today is a light day as now I'm done with school! yay!!

So, today:

...a few electronic chores
...take DS to play putt-putt with friends -- during which, either hang out w/the other mom, or go hang out solo and do....? something
...depending on timing of that, maybe go to piano recital for the kids at the co-op (if so, figure out a crock pot dinner)
...if we go to the piano thing, go direct from there to fencing (thus the crock pot dinner, which I should do just in case)
...fencing, home, bed

If I wrap up electronic chores early, I'll head up and get some sewing done before time to take DS

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Woke up at 4:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. Went to the gym with dh and used the hydro bed, walked slowly for half a mile, and stretched a bunch since that is all my back could handle.

Today my second oldest turns 13 so the day is all about her. We are leaving momentarily for 2 performances she has this morning. Then the rest of the day is whatever she wants. Her dinner is homemade sushi and dessert is icecream sundaes 

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Good morning! 

Done: regular morning stuff, baked egg muffins for brunch with my prayer group (cooling now), dropped off ear buds that Ds needs but forgot. 

To Do:
brunch ✔️ 
buy a Starbucks card and Oreos ✔️ 
finish gifts ✔️ 
confirm driving plans for tonight ✔️ 
Dd to play rehearsal ✔️ 
shower! ✔️ 
pick up my mom
eat snack supper
AHG Crossover - Dd’s last ceremony! 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Well, turns out the putt - putt place doesn't open till 4 today, so instead we are going tomorrow. Oops. (glad it was not my mistake!). 

So, eating lunch, and then.....???? probably will go sew, as DH is heading out for a meeting. 

Also, mom is in the ER, so keeping in touch with her. Her BP has been wonky, and her doctor changed her med - today was the 1st day on the new one, and it went crazy high (230/100-ish).  We got in touch with our back-up pet sitter for next week, and she said yes, so that's good. 

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Making progress. Waiting on Dd. Do y’all know the children’s book, The Pokey Little Puppy? Well, Dh and I have called Dd the pokey little princess since she was about three. Great kid, but processing speed affects everything, not just academic work. 

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7 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

@TheReader Is your mom there or does she live in another city/state? 

she's about an hour from me; she's in the same town as my grandma. Her fiance' is there with her, and if needed I can go down. So far she's good (they got her bp down and are monitoring everything, etc....). 

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I'm so tired!! Dd13's performances went well.  Then we hit up 2 stores to get what we needed for dinner tonight. I was so happy to get home to a sleeping dd3.  So, I'll get a bit of down time before having to start dinner once dh is done work.

Dd13 declared today the best birthday yet.  One of the things that helped is that the audience at the second performance yelled happy birthday in unison to her when the person who introduced her dance told them it was her bday. The 3 older dancers from her school who performed also made it special by randomly singing to her after she'd been there for a while.

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Almost done with the 2nd butterfly for the current project....Cherrywood fabric's Monarch challenge. Oof. Slow-going. I made the background some time ago, now I'm making a slew of monarch butterflies for it.....of course I'm doing reverse applique which means layer 5 colors of fabric. Sew the butterfly into it. Sew the spots into it. Carefully cut away one layer at a time to get to which color I want in that spot. Flip over and repeat on the back side (b/c some of the butterflies will be sewn "in flight" , so I need both sides done). 

It takes about 15 mins to stitch one. About an hour-ish to do the cutting for one.  (the deadline is June 15th)

Doing some electronic stuff for a break, then will cook dinner. 

Mom is being admitted; will hopefully know more tonight/tomorrow. 

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Hi guys, happy ... Thursday?


I should be relaxing due to finishing the Big Work Deadline early, but I had two stressful conference calls for which I had to spend most of the day preparing.  I still have 2 overdue reports that need to go out today.  In addition, the maid is coming tomorrow morning, so I have tonight to finish all the laundry and cleaning that hasn't gotten done during the deadline rush.  😕

On the positive side, Kid1 got the job she was interviewed for on Tuesday.  I was nervous, partly because Kid2 has already been hired by the same company, and Kid2 gets pretty mad when Kid2 gets ahead of her (other than academically, which she expects).  Not a good trait, but forgive me if I don't want to deal with it right now.  Instead, I have Kid2 being resentful.  I think I vented about that earlier.  Kid2 first said she didn't mind if Kid1 applied for the same job, but once Kid1 put in her application, Kid2 started being nasty about it.  I just hope they behave properly in the workplace.  Girl drama!

So now about Kid1's volunteer zoo gig which she already accepted & attended the trainings & been scheduled ... I think she should do both.  Kid1 may disagree.  We'll see.  I know she likes the zoo people, so maybe she'll try to make it work.

Up soon - Kid2 works tonight.  The drive to & from work will be her driving practice.

Whatever else gets done!

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Well, Ds has a “digital learning day” tomorrow because covid combined with May graduation/wedding travel leaves the school with insufficient staff. Boo for online school! But yea for not having to get up early and for a way shorter school day! 

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@hjffkj Happy birthday to your dd!! 

I've done one load of laundry.

I took care of the final grades and such for some of my classes. I've got a few more things to grade that are coming in this weekend. 

Dh is working at the night school, so I went to dinner with a friend. 

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I'm proud of myself because I solved a difficult accounting problem.  I can be at peace now.  😛

Still have to do those late reports though!

Got one laundry load in the washer, load 2 is ready to go in.

Had a nice chat with Kid2.  There is hope.  😛

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Dd’s 10 year journey in AHG has come to an end. Hard to believe. It has been so, so good. A huge investment of time and energy on my part as well as hers, but totally worth it!  Zero regrets. Tonight’s ceremony was good - Dd was honored for her achievements and got to thank and honor others. I am proud of my girl! 

Winding down now with hot tea and a book. 

Tomorrow is still an early start bc Dd has an AP and needs to be out of the house by 7:15. I’ll get up to make her a good breakfast. 

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