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Nothing says the holidays like puking kids

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Oh man. I'm so sorry!!! Sounds like you need a puke bowl. A HUGE bowl that the sicko carries around with him/her. It's saved us from many a mess!!


We've had puking kids the last two years. But, it's not because they were sick - they just ate too much chocolate. I didn't feel too sorry for them! One of them forgot to open the lid to the toilet and got it ALL over THREE walls of the bathroom. Yuck, yuck, yuck. I made dh clean that one up because the puker-boy needed my "comforting." wink-wink!!

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Please God we are leaving that behind us this year! We greeted the new year with a newborn, me recovering from a c-section, a six year old with two broken arms and norovirus and a two year old teething molars and also suffering from norovirus. At one point all three kids woke screaming at 3am and we just sat there trying to figure out who to go to first. The ones who were puking won. :lol:


This year it is so far so good. I am recovering from major surgery but the kids are well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :001_huh:

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ME TOO! LOL - what do you want to bet it will be us moms on Christmas day?


Urgh! That brings back memories of the Christmas before last. We sent Mr5 down by plane and drove down to my parents arriving on Christmas Eve. We arrived and Mr5 immediately vomited all over me. He was sick all that day but much improved the next day. By that time I was as sick as a dog, running from both ends, and only managed to eat one pea from my Christmas dinner.


What a nightmare!

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I have had a kid throw up 3 nights in a row. :glare: Wanna take a bet who will be sick Christmas Day? :banghead: DH has been out of town for 3 evenings so I told him he can clean it up tonight :D


Oh NOOOO!!!!! Am I remembering correctly that you were all sick last year? Oh Jean, you don't deserve this. I'm sick with you :grouphug:

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You poor woman!!!


Yes to the puke bowl. I had one as a child. It was red. Ew. I have one as a parent. It is white. Ew. But, it has saved me from having to wash many MANY a sheet.


I have an idea, though. I think you need to get the kids to clean it up. OK, that's too harsh. Maybe just have them use the same bath towels or something? That way, they're exposed now, and the virus can run its curse (intentional typo) before Thursday. Ya' think? It might be better than all of you being sick again on Christmas day.


'Course, if you've got extra cinn. rolls going to waste, I could give you my address. I'm just sayin'... ;););)



I really hope this thing runs itself out soon. Hugs, woman.

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