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February Healthy Eating


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Lol, I posted today in the last thread. Suffice it to say, some progress on healthy eating is being made with my grand boys. They are finally beginning to perk. I am not well, and everything still tastes awful, so I am surviving on V8 juice which is the only thing that tastes at all good at the moment.

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Wednesday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens. Breakfast bowl with adzuki beans, oats, kiwi, guava, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, pineapple, cantaloupe, dragon fruit, mango, apple, pear, lime and orange zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, fig, apricot, cherries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Ezekiel toast with peanut and hazelnut butter and no-sugar-added jam.

Dinner - Dinner tonight was from two WFPB meal prep services: Baked beans from MamaSezz and veggie burgers and cranberry pumpkin muffins from Tracy’s Real Foods. I steamed broccoli and mushrooms to go with it.

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Breakfast—grabbed a slice of ham and some grapes before class, followed up with dinner leftovers of ground beef/gravy on rice.

Lunch—egg salad (eggs, mayo, pickles) with gf whole grain rounds. Tea (NS)

Dinner—2 gf bean burrito wraps, half a peach, a vegan raw bar of dates, sesame seeds, buckwheat, and dark chocolate. The vegan bar was luxurious and seemed healthy so I was glad to find the option.

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breakfast- blueberry keto granola and cocoa yogurt 

lunch - scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms and mixed greens; 1/2 flaxseed muffin, 2 chocolate squares 

Dinner- pork stir fry (broccoli, carrots, onions, garlic, sugar snap peas, yellow summer squash, zucchini, celery, bell peppers); red Bhutan rice 

two eggs before bedtime 

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Tonight my plans went well. I was unable to get the broccoli or brussels into the boys, but they did want the spaghetti and ate it well. They each had a handful of baby carrots, and to get a 2nd veggie in them I made "bugs on the log" with celery sticks, my son in laws vegan cream cheese, and peanuts. This was a big hit. They also ate a tangerine a piece and finished off the strawberries.

I did manage to down some spaghetti and a few brussels. It took a lot of mind over matter because I was feeling really nauseous from all the coughing. But except for juice, I hadn't eaten in 3 days. I am feeling so wiped out.

We have all been tested for covid multiple times. Still negative. 

Hopefully tomorrow the boys have even more appetite.

Edited by Faith-manor
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breakfast- blueberry keto granola and cocoa yogurt 

lunch - scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms and mixed greens; 1/2 flaxseed muffin, 2 chocolate squares 

Dinner- broccoli, carrots, onions, garlic, sugar snap peas, yellow summer squash, zucchini, celery, red, orange and green bell peppers, chicken, dairy free shredded “cheese “ , raspberry jello

two eggs before bedtime 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Breakfast: carrot juice; smoothie with banana, orange juice and almond milk

Lunch: juiced carrot, celery, greens, bell pepper, cilantro and lemon (weird mix, but im fighting a cold); huge salad; amazing brocolli soup recipe with brocolli, onion, carrot, celery, frozen peas, cashews, almond milk, nutritional yeast, potatoes, all cooked until soft and then blended. 

Dinner: same smoothie as breakfast; vegetable bean soup

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Thursday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens (The grower I buy from is back to having a large variety of greens - yeah! An unusual cold snap meant that they only had a limited selection for the past several weeks.) Breakfast bowl with Rio Zape beans, oats, kiwi, apple, pear, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, peaches, pineapple, cantaloupe, fig, apricot, cherries, orange zest, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Big salad with mixed greens, falafel, edamame, radishes, tomato, beets, pistachios, seven seed topper, tofu adobo dressing. A lemon poppyseed WellBean bar.

Dinner - Butternut soup served over wild rice, shredded Brussels sprouts, and roasted mushrooms. This is a recipe I cobbled together by combining elements of two recipes I like and then throwing in a few other ingredients, and it turned out really good. Ingredients are butternut squash, carrots, onion, garlic, veggie broth, cashew cream, nutritional yeast, ume plum vinegar, spices. Also had a few buckwheat flax crackers from Tracy’s Real Foods.

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Breakfast--df yoghurt, and a banana before class, then another banana after class on the way to work out

Lunch--A little bit of beef/gravy with rice and also 2 deviled eggs, small cup diced peach in 100% juice (NS)

Snack--dark chocolate

Dinner--1 country rib with homemade sauce, 1/2 sweet potato, Brussel sprouts

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Waffles and fruit

Leftover spaghetti, carrots, my bugs on a bridge celery which seems to be a big hit, lots more fruit

Graham cracker snack 

Grilled cheeses, mango, black beans (they asked, I provided, and they didn't care about having anything on them), a few green beans, and some strawberries.

For me? Not a lot of appetite yet. My food for the day was a baked potato with some spaghetti sauce on top.

Today I am having some luck with salmon, rice, Brussels sprouts, and mango for them and have enough to do it again for supper which they do not mind. Cooking the salmon was a smell that nearly put me over the edge. So I am making due with a baked potato and black beans and salsa.


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Breakfast--oatmeal with pecan bits and frozen fruit, splash of maple syrup and a sprinkle of cinnamon; coffee with almond milk and a dash of maple syrup

Lunch--Beans and rice with onion and red pepper and jalapeno and cilantro

Snack--dark chocolate

Dinner--Baked cauliflower with buffalo aioli; gf gnocchi with spaghetti squash, caramelized onion, mushrooms. YUM.

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Friday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens. Breakfast bowl with golden lentils, oats, passion fruit, apple, Asian pear, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, kiwi, dragon fruit, cherries, fig, apricot, orange and lemon zest, walnuts, macadamias, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Big salad with mixed greens, beets, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, chopped up veggie burger, radishes, seven seed topper, tofu adobo dressing. An orange and a walnut chocolate chip WellBean bar.

Dinner - Leftover butternut soup served over wild rice, roasted mushrooms, and steamed broccoli. A few buckwheat flax crackers.

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Breakfast: carrot/collard/cilantro/apple juice; smoothie with banana, frozen berries, almond milk

Snack: coffee, two dates

Lunch: 2 slices of Ezekiel toast, hummus, cucumber tomato salad with mixed sprouts, brocolli soup

Dinner: vegetable bean soup

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breakfast- blueberry keto granola and coconut yogurt 

lunch - scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms and mixed greens; 1/2 flaxseed muffin, 2 chocolate squares 

snack- green tea

Dinner- 1/2 order of “garden scramble “ (Home fried potatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes and Cheddar cheese scrambled with eggs, arugula and pickled red onion garnish and gf toast); one scoop df gf chocolate raspberry “ice cream “

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Saturday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens. Breakfast bowl with papa de rola beans, oats, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, fig, apricot, apple, Asian pear, sour cherries, orange and lemon zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Big salad with mixed greens, falafel, garlic, eggplant, tomato, cucumber, beets, delicata squash, mixed raw nuts, seven seed topper, tofu adobo dressing. A walnut chocolate chip WellBean bar.

Dinner - Tried a new Shane & Simple recipe, Cajun Blackened Tofu Sandwich with Sriracha Coleslaw, which was amazing. Also had lentils with wild mushrooms and steamed asparagus.

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Everyone's tastes buds are still dulled except the little boys. But I did get healthy food in folks.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with berries, plant based sausage, scrambled eggs

Lunch: Chilli with cheddar cheese, baked potatoes, mango and mandarins on the side

Dinner: Taco salad, shredded greens, green onion, red pepper, dried cherry tomatoes, pinto and black beans, salsa, ranch dressing, crunched corn chips on top. This was apparently something we adults could eat so we did a deep dive into the big bowl. The little boys and grilled cheese sandwiches, carrot sticks, little bit of broccoli, blueberries, and bananas. Later they asked for applesauce which I obliged, and then a few more blueberries before bed time.

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breakfast- blueberry keto granola and coconut yogurt 

Lunch - 1/2 order of “garden scramble “ (Home fried potatoes, bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes and Cheddar cheese scrambled with eggs, arugula and pickled red onion garnish)

Dinner- scrambled tofu with onions, mushrooms and mixed greens; 1/2 flaxseed muffin, 2 chocolate squares 

2 eggs before bedtime 

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Sunday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens. Breakfast bowl with golden lentils, oats, guava, kumquats, passion fruit, blueberries, apple, pear, fig, apricot, cherries, peaches, lemon zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Big salad with mixed greens, seaweed, diced veggie burger, edamame, eggplant, beets, tomato, cucumber, garlic, zucchini, delicata squash, pistachios, seven seed topper, lemon balsamic vinegar.

Dinner - Repeat of last night: Cajun blackened tofu with sriracha coleslaw, lentils and wild mushrooms, steamed asparagus and broccoli.

Edited by Selkie
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Breakfast: made vegan biscuits which I have never done before but this way son in law with all the food allergies could eat them. Made turkey bacon and plant based sausage to go with, and served with oranges. Highly popular with the crowd!

Lunch: boiled eggs, leftover chilli for whomever wanted it, fresh veggie and fruit platter, bowl of pistachios, mini bagels with vegan cream cheese. Seemed like everyone ate well.

Supper: Dd was hungry for veggie stew. But that was not a great choice for the little guys or their dad. I roasted some carrots and chicken for them, and put out a bowl of mango chunks. They ate that well. I made an absolutely gourmet, if I do say so myself, veggie soup and dd, myself, and my mom ate that.with the leftover biscuits. Very yummy!

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I'm visiting my mother and eating pretty well: quinoa tabouli, roasted chicken and veggies, some soup I had made her last time I was here(!) and lots of salads.  She loves salads so we're doing plenty of those. 

I could use some suggestions, though: what to substitute for toast at breakfast?  She likes savory oatmeal and fried quinoa, but toast is the easiest thing for her.  Yesterday I made sauteed napa and an egg for me, and she wanted toast and an egg.  She wants to try giving up gluten while I'm here to see if it helps her tendonitis.  Ideas for crunchy and easy?  Even if I have to make whatever it is ahead and freeze it?  Thank you!

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Breakfast: carrot, orange, lemon, ginger juice

Lunch: huge salad, pistacios

Snack: slice of whole grain bread with butter

Dinner: lentil soup, apple

I'm wondering, will juicing in the mornings hinder me from losing weight? I've read opposing things. Some articles say it helps with weight loss, but most articles I read advise that it will make you hang onto visceral fat.

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Monday - 

Breakfast - A lemon poppyseed WellBean bar while running errands. Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens. Breakfast bowl with adzuki beans, oats, guava, passion fruit, kumquats, banana, apple, pear, blueberries, fig, sour cherries, lemon zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Big bowl of mixed greens with lentils, a piece of blackened tofu, and a scoop of sriracha coleslaw.

Dinner - A veggie burger on whole grain pita, steamed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots), and guacamole with homemade oil-free tortilla chips.

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🌈 but a carby day with some emotional eating 

breakfast- blueberry keto granola and coconut yogurt 

Lunch - scrambled eggs, bacon, a few bites of the crispy bits of hash browns, gf pancakes 

snack- salt and vinegar chips, two squares of chocolate 

dinner- gf fried rice with carrots, peas, onions, bell peppers; gf potstickers with chicken and veggies, tomatoes; two squares of chocolate 

2 eggs before bedtime 

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21 minutes ago, Kela said:

I'm wondering, will juicing in the mornings hinder me from losing weight? I've read opposing things. Some articles say it helps with weight loss, but most articles I read advise that it will make you hang onto visceral fat.

On Dr. Fuhrman’s Ask the Doctor forum, he has said that one glass of mixed vegetable juice per day is fine as long as you are eating tons of other veggies, including a big salad every day. He says vegetable juice is okay as a supplement to your diet but should not be your major source of veggies. I don’t think he recommends consuming fruit juice at all, just whole fruit. Hope that helps!

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On 2/6/2023 at 6:50 PM, Eos said:

I could use some suggestions, though: what to substitute for toast at breakfast?  She likes savory oatmeal and fried quinoa, but toast is the easiest thing for her.  Yesterday I made sauteed napa and an egg for me, and she wanted toast and an egg.  She wants to try giving up gluten while I'm here to see if it helps her tendonitis.  Ideas for crunchy and easy?  Even if I have to make whatever it is ahead and freeze it?  Thank you!

I’ve been thinking on this and haven’t come up with any good ideas. I’m not well-versed on gluten free substitutes for bread, but maybe the gf folks here will chime in.

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Quick update: I am at the halfway point in my Cornell plant based nutrition program and am absolutely loving it. My brain is definitely being stretched! So far, we have been taught by Drs. T. Colin Campbell, Caldwell Esselstyn, and Dean Ornish, with Michael Greger and Neal Barnard up next - it’s like being taught by the Mt. Rushmore of nutrition! I finished the first class, Nutrition in Society, and am midway through the second, Nutrition and Chronic Disease. I wish the information in this program was easily accessible for everyone, as it would prevent so much human suffering and improve the quality of so many lives.🌱

Tuesday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens. Breakfast bowl with vaquero beans, oats, blueberries, kumquats, guava, passion fruit, banana, apple, pear, fig, apricot, sour cherries, dragon fruit, lemon and orange zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Big salad with mixed greens, seaweed, quinoa, tomato, carrot, cucumber, eggplant, beets, mini bell peppers, garlic, radishes, blackberries, raw mixed nuts, seven seed topper, pomegranate balsamic vinegar.

Dinner - Steamed artichoke with Greek vinaigrette (Monkey and Me recipe). Thai noodle salad with greens (mix of shredded bok choy, Napa cabbage, and Brussels sprouts), brown rice noodles, tofu, edamame, carrot, scallions, mushrooms, jalapeños, cilantro, orange bell pepper, chopped peanuts, sesame peanut dressing (Dr. Fuhrman recipe), and sriracha.

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On 2/6/2023 at 7:39 PM, Selkie said:

On Dr. Fuhrman’s Ask the Doctor forum, he has said that one glass of mixed vegetable juice per day is fine as long as you are eating tons of other veggies, including a big salad every day. He says vegetable juice is okay as a supplement to your diet but should not be your major source of veggies. I don’t think he recommends consuming fruit juice at all, just whole fruit. Hope that helps!

Thank you!! I appreciate your help!


Breakfast: Breakfast quinoa with red quinoa, walnuts, coconut milk and medjool dates

Lunch: Big salad

Dinner: lentil soup, apple

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On 2/6/2023 at 6:50 PM, Eos said:

I'm visiting my mother and eating pretty well: quinoa tabouli, roasted chicken and veggies, some soup I had made her last time I was here(!) and lots of salads.  She loves salads so we're doing plenty of those. 

I could use some suggestions, though: what to substitute for toast at breakfast?  She likes savory oatmeal and fried quinoa, but toast is the easiest thing for her.  Yesterday I made sauteed napa and an egg for me, and she wanted toast and an egg.  She wants to try giving up gluten while I'm here to see if it helps her tendonitis.  Ideas for crunchy and easy?  Even if I have to make whatever it is ahead and freeze it?  Thank you!

I like to take leftover !ashes potatoes, form into a patty with some egg to hold it together, but aqua faba would work as well, and fry in a pan. I do not often take the time to do it, but absolutely love it when I do.

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breakfast- blueberry keto granola and coconut yogurt 

lunch-  scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms, mixed greens; 1/2 flaxseed muffin, 2 squares of chocolate 

snack-  yesterday I bought my krytonite- salt and vinegar kettle chips. So today I had to finish them, of course. So I had salt and vinegar chips and some cheese for protein. But now all the temptation is gone. 

dinner- broiled salmon, broccoli salad, carrots, asparagus, corn. 

two eggs before bedtime 

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Today I made granola and yogurt bowls with dried fruit for breakfast and a dribble of maple syrup. 

Lunch: peanut butter and apple slices, celery sticks with cream cheese and sunflower seeds, blueberries and grapes. The kids ate that well.

Dinner: chicken Mediterranean bowls. I also fried some tofu. There was a choice of greens - spinach, butter lettuce, arugula - and then herbed quinoa for the base, plus dried grape tomatoes, chopped red pepper, green olives, and cucumbers. I made hummus, and had tahini and Greek yogurt on the side. I didn't expect the children to eat well, but they did, and then they were handsomely rewarded with some coconut ice cream. My taster is still off. The arugula tasted horribly bitter to me even though I normally like it. I did okay though with butter lettuce, red pepper, and olives, but the spinach and cucumbers were brutally awful. I could have eaten a bottomless well of hummus!

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Wednesday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens. Breakfast bowl with Rio Zape beans, oats, banana, blueberries, passion fruit, guava, apple, Asian pear, kiwi, fig, apricot, sour cherries, dragon fruit, lemon and orange zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Mixed greens. Whole grain pita with edamame, eggplant, beets, tomato, cucumber, red onion, sesame seeds, cashew mayo, mustard, sriracha. A Sumo orange (one of my favorite foods - they are so good!)

Dinner - Repeat of last night: An artichoke and Thai noodle salad. 

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breakfast- blueberry keto granola and coconut yogurt 

lunch-  scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms, mixed greens; 1/2 flaxseed muffin, 2 squares of chocolate with raspberries 

dinner-  Greek salad (mixed greens, avocado, cucumber, tahini, lemon, coconut yogurt marinade); mixed fruit cup with pears, peach and pineapple 

two eggs before bedtime 

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Thursday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens. Breakfast bowl with soybeans, oats, dragon fruit, banana, pineapple, kiwi, guava, apple, pear, blueberries, fig, sour cherries, lime and orange zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Big salad with mixed greens, quinoa, edamame, bell pepper, carrots, beets, eggplant, mushrooms, chopped peanuts, jalapeños, seven seed topper, Italian herb balsamic vinegar. A Sumo orange.

Dinner - An artichoke with Greek vinaigrette dipping sauce. A veggie loaf sandwich on whole grain pita, roasted baby potatoes seasoned with nutritional yeast and herbs, and steamed veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots).

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Breakfast: sliced kiwi, orange


Huge salad

Snack: I wad so busy this morning I didn't have time to eat properly, so i had a snack with crunchmaster cassava/coconut crackers, hummus and pistacios

Dinner: hodgepodge soup with veggies, beans and potatoes, oranges

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On 2/6/2023 at 7:50 PM, Eos said:

I'm visiting my mother and eating pretty well: quinoa tabouli, roasted chicken and veggies, some soup I had made her last time I was here(!) and lots of salads.  She loves salads so we're doing plenty of those. 

I could use some suggestions, though: what to substitute for toast at breakfast?  She likes savory oatmeal and fried quinoa, but toast is the easiest thing for her.  Yesterday I made sauteed napa and an egg for me, and she wanted toast and an egg.  She wants to try giving up gluten while I'm here to see if it helps her tendonitis.  Ideas for crunchy and easy?  Even if I have to make whatever it is ahead and freeze it?  Thank you!

I have to eat gluten free, too. 

The absolute best and easiest gluten-free bread I have found is from Gluten-Free Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day, by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois

Since I cook gf for only me, I always halve the recipes. It's really easy. When I want bread, it takes me less than half an hour (usually 15-20 minutes) to throw together the dry mixture, and then mix together a wet bucket of dough. No kneading at all, ever. I let the wet bucket sit on the counter for two hours then put it in the fridge. When I want bread, I grab a portion of dough and bake it--that takes mere minutes. 

If you go this route, I usually substitute oat flour instead of sorghum. It's just my personal preference. I gladly eat it with sorghum flour, too--both taste wonderful. 


Another breakfast love is to slice a baked sweet potato and then fry it. Don't flip it too quickly--let it get good and crisp over a medium heat and then flip just once. Yummy with eggs or other toppings--google for ideas. Also yummy alone. 

You might try fried rice. If you have old rice in the fridge, the texture is better and it's really quick. For a higher protein breakfast, use purple rice. 

I adore wild rice for breakfast. It can be savory with mushrooms and onions or sweet with the same additions you might add to oatmeal. My favorite is cranberry and pecans or walnuts with a splash of maple syrup.

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2 minutes ago, Harriet Vane said:

Another breakfast love is to slice a baked sweet potato and then fry it. Don't flip it too quickly--let it get good and crisp over a medium heat and then flip just once. Yummy with eggs or other toppings--google for ideas. Also yummy alone. 

You might try fried rice. If you have old rice in the fridge, the texture is better and it's really quick. For a higher protein breakfast, use purple rice. 

I adore wild rice for breakfast. It can be savory with mushrooms and onions or sweet with the same additions you might add to oatmeal. My favorite is cranberry and pecans or walnuts with a splash of maple syrup.

Love all these, thank you!  She loves fried quinoa too, because it gets so crispy.  Today I bought her some chickpea flour and tomorrow I will make some chickpea crepes to have with an egg to see how she likes those.

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I've been out of the loop here while on vacation for a few days. I did much better than I feared while traveling. Though I hate my TMJ retainer, it does help me be more mindful of eating. Also sticking with soft foods forces me to avoid some unhealthy choices. I do allow myself to eat dark chocolate when I want, but I only ate a few squares once. In the whole time, I ate two desserts only. I figure the natural rhythm is to enjoy vacation--one of those desserts was worth the calories, but I regretted the other one as it just wasn't great. My lunches were only so-so. With travel and with time out and about while in Florida, I relied on grocery-store chicken salad and potato salad for a few days, though I always had that with fruit. I did fabulous with road food, though. In the past I've really struggled with buying junk food at rest stops. This time around, I packed a food box with healthy options, and we did pretty well at sticking to better choices for road food meals. No junk food while driving at all, which is a big win.

The good thing was also that we had fabulously healthy dinners and breakfasts. Another big win. 

Edited by Harriet Vane
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59 minutes ago, Eos said:

Love all these, thank you!  She loves fried quinoa too, because it gets so crispy.  Today I bought her some chickpea flour and tomorrow I will make some chickpea crepes to have with an egg to see how she likes those.

Also meant to say--I find chickpea flour has a lovely, savory flavor. It's fabulous for making fried chicken, for example--it goes wonderfully with savory spices. It also gets decently crispy. It makes wonderful roti (an Indian flatbread), which your mother might really like. If you have a cast-iron skillet, make the roti in that for extra crisp. It's been a while since I made some and I'm honestly not sure which recipe I used at the time--google a few recipes. 

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Friday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens. Breakfast bowl with Midnight black beans, oats, kiwi, dragon fruit, passion fruit, guava, banana, sour cherries, apple, pear, blueberries, fig, apricot, lemon and orange zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Big salad with mixed greens, carrot, orange bell pepper, jalapeños, lentils, roasted baby potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, Sweet Heat balsamic vinegar.

Dinner - I made Monkey and Me’s Veggie White Lasagna Skillet, which dh liked but I thought was pretty blah. I’m not a pasta fan, so if I make it again, I’ll just do the cauliflower/cashew sauce (which was delicious) and the veggies, minus the pasta. Also had an artichoke.

Dessert - Pomegranate arils and a Sumo orange.

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breakfast- blueberry keto granola and coconut yogurt 

lunch-  scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms, mixed greens; 1/2 flaxseed muffin, 2 squares of chocolate with raspberries 

dinner-  stir fry with chicken and double veggies instead of rice (chicken, gf teriyaki sauce, cabbage, carrots, mung bean sprouts, onions, broccoli)

two eggs before bedtime 

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Saturday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens. Breakfast bowl with beluga lentils, oats, pineapple, banana, kiwi, guava, blueberries, pomegranate, fig, apricot, sour cherries, lemon and lime zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Mixed greens, roasted mushrooms, and leftover veggie loaf.

Dinner - I made Monkey & Me’s Creamy Mushroom Barley Soup, which was phenomenal. Also had steamed broccoli and cauliflower.

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