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Electric drill attachments for house cleaning?

Laura Corin

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I got a set of plastic bristle brushes to clean the outside of a gas grill.  They work okay, but not as good as I was hoping. 

DH uses a wire brush one to clean tire rims and it works great.

We have a set of chimney cleaning brushes with long extension rods, and it also works quite well.

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Electric drill attachments for house cleaning definitely sound like a great idea! I think it would be really useful for scrubbing tile, as well as all sorts of other cleaning tasks. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm interested in checking it out. I'm sure it will make house cleaning a lot easier and less time-consuming. If you're looking for a more thorough clean, though, I would recommend getting in touch with a pressure-washing company like https://sparklewash.com/residential-pressure-washing/. They will be able to get into all the nooks and crannies that are hard to reach with a drill attachment. Hope this helps!

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I looked at them but didn't take it seriously. We have a steam mop that works great except in the bathroom that has clay cat litter and it would probably work a lot better if we used it more often, but lazy. The tile is that textured to look like chipped slate stuff that was popular 5-8 years ago. I don't think anything will ever get it clean, too many places catch dirt. And, again, I am too lazy to clean it as often as it needs.

I take that back, I do know a way to get it clean. I recently bought Endust spray to clean some plastic collectibles that had been ignored and are covered in dust, including small hard to reach areas. That stuff plus a toothbrush worked great, I have never had such an easy time cleaning dirt/dust out of small cracks and crevices. And if I ever want the tile that clean I will pay someone.

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