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Well-Trained Bodies November


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I did 28 min on the treadmill yesterday and I'll get off of here and go do a short yoga and my bodyweight circuit. I'll be glad to hit the weekend and have time to catch up a bit. We had a great visit with the girls, but I have a tree half-decorated, a reindeer I need to put new lights on, bins of Christmas decorations, a half-finished jigsaw puzzle--and that's all just in the living room. I've got the girls' Christmas lists and most of it is stuff I have to order online which is somehow stressful. I have the budget for Christmas but not the time--ahh, the joys of the working life. I first went back to work because I wanted just a little Christmas money and it's turned into a second-chance full-time career.

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@Ali in OR is that good or bad about the FT career? 

I did an hour walk around the neighborhood this morning. A bit over 5k steps in so far. Today is a HIIT day if I get to it. Trying to scramble to finish something for work, though. 

Today is dd's birthday so we were going to see each other a few hours, but the weather forecast is terrible and dad canceled their movie plans tonight and school is letting out early so he just kept them home. I said I had no problem with her postponing her visit (he offered to bring her this morning from 8-11 but I figured she wouldn't want to go out and I was right). Depending on how the weather is this evening, I may attend trivia night and get a pick up order I have. But I think it might be too bad. 

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@Laura Corin - Good work on the essay grade! I have big final papers due in both of my classes by Sunday. One of them I have drafted and feel secure about turning in whenever, but the other I have barely started. I told my husband last night I don't think I have ever had this much trouble forcing myself to tackle a school assignment. So, in a week when I'm struggling, it's lovely to hear a success story!

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Walked about 5K last night to finish the daily step count.

I'm trying to front-load today at least a little, so I don't end up with half the day's steps still to do after work, especially in a week when I need my evenings to write the aforementioned paper. So, started today with about 4.7K. I didn't sleep a lot and am not feeling super strong, so I opted for a light 15-minute walk with weights video as my other exercise this morning.  

Yoga class tonight, plus enough walking to meet the daily goal.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 302.4 of 550K
Walking Streak: 46

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I walked around the mall with a friend today. It's a mostly-outdoor mall laid out with streets and everything, but there's also a large indoor mall at the center. More of a meander, really, though we kept moving for almost three hours, so it counts. I will finish up tonight with some PT and hanging on the teeter board.

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Dh and I got in one crazy dog walk, with all three dogs (one added 6 month old lab puppy we're watching for a friend for a few days). 

Then I did a 'proper' speed walk to my physio appointment after dinner. It was dark outside, but there were a ton of Christmas lights on, which was pretty. 

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Got a little over 10k steps today, did my 15 min HIIT, and 45 min on the bike. Yeeeesssss lol. Oh and I got asked on a date today which was nice (I said yes). 

ETA: weather was bad, trivia was canceled, birthday plans canceled. We'll make up for it later. Plus, dd's school is canceled Friday. 

Edited by heartlikealion
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Wednesday  - I woke too early and did sun salutations before sunrise, then set up my bibliography for my next essay. It's a nice peaceful task. I'm hoping to finish writing on Saturday, before my daughter comes home, then do rewrites next Wednesday after the last of the family goes. The funeral is on Tuesday. 

I'm working in the office today, so I'll try to walk some brisk errands at lunchtime. 

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Yoga was nice last night, although I had some trouble turning off my brain. In addition to this final paper I really, really don't want to do (requires me to dig into my psyche in a way that I'm finding really difficult), I'm trying to support my daughter through the latest terrible break-up and make arrangements to go up to NYC right after Christmas to bring her home for a while. 

My daughter called while I was out walking with the dog last night, and I ended up talking to her while we walked and right on through a 25-minute stint on the stationary bike to finish off the day's steps.

I have been wondering for a few days if my Fitbit is properly counting all of my steps, since it seems sometimes like it's logging fewer than it would have previously for the same amount of mileage/effort and it's been harder to reach my daily step goals. This morning, I compared the mileage my challenge tracker app logged versus what Fitbit did and, sure enough, Fitbit thought I walked a good half a kilometer (700-ish steps) fewer than I did. I manually corrected it for this morning, but since this seems to be a recent issue I'll do a little research when I get a chance to see if there is a setting I need to readjust.

Anyway, I walked about 4.4K this morning and then spent about 30 minutes on the patio doing strength and stretching stuff.  

More walking and/or stationary biking later.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 314.1 of 550K
Walking Streak: 47

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39 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

I have been wondering for a few days if my Fitbit is properly counting all of my steps, since it seems sometimes like it's logging fewer than it would have previously for the same amount of mileage/effort and it's been harder to reach my daily step goals. This morning, I compared the mileage my challenge tracker app logged versus what Fitbit did and, sure enough, Fitbit thought I walked a good half a kilometer (700-ish steps) fewer than I did. I manually corrected it for this morning, but since this seems to be a recent issue I'll do a little research when I get a chance to see if there is a setting I need to readjust.

How annoying! 
I hope you enjoy time with your daughter soon 🙂 

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It's raining hard all day today, so no walks with dogs. I got in a 20 min bike on our new stationary bike, as well as my stretch and strength exercises for my arms and shoulders. The bike option is going to be fantastic to build up my aerobic fitness. I'm also going to add in more whole-body stretch and strength to maintain a strong foundation for my tennis. ☺️

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

It's raining hard all day today, so no walks with dogs. I got in a 20 min bike on our new stationary bike, as well as my stretch and strength exercises for my arms and shoulders. The bike option is going to be fantastic to build up my aerobic fitness. I'm also going to add in more whole-body stretch and strength to maintain a strong foundation for my tennis. ☺️

We originally bought my stationary bike back when I was having more regular and and severe balance issues. I was losing my mind not being able to go out walking the way I was used to, but my doctor and PT and husband all insisted that it was not safe for me to be out wandering on my own. The stationary bike was the result.

The PT also approved of it for strengthening my knees to compensate for the arthritis. 

However, even though I now don't fall down nearly as often or as disastrously (knocking on the psuedo-wood surface of my desk), I find I really appreciate having the bike for when the weather (mostly pouring rain here) makes going outside impractical or unpleasant or when I'm bored with walking or whatever.

I hope you find yours as good to have around.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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3 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

We originally bought my stationary bike back when I was having more regular and and severe balance issues. I was losing my mind not being able to go out walking the way I was used to, but my doctor and PT and husband all insisted that it was not safe for me to be out wandering on my own. The stationary bike was the result.

The PT also approved of it for strengthening my knees to compensate for the arthritis. 

However, even though I now don't fall down nearly as often or as disastrously (knocking on the psuedo-wood surface of my desk), I find I really appreciate having the bike for when the weather (mostly pouring rain here) makes going outside impractical or unpleasant or when I'm bored with walking or whatever.

I hope you find yours as good to have around.

I'm enjoying it so far, though I'll definitely need to put a gel seat on top of the saddle. It's very hard! I want to cycle in comfort. ☺️

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Took a break from writing that paper last night (8 of 14 pages drafted) to take a walk (4.6K). Despite my continuing attempts to front-load my days, that walk was just enough to top off the daily step goal.

Walked again this morning, 4.7K. I did no other official exercise, because my husband has his gaming group tonight and we had bins of holiday decorations waiting to be put up and bags of donatables waiting to get delivered all over and around his gaming table. He was out at a work event, so I decided to use my exercise time to clear the decks for him. 

I'm really, really hoping to have a full draft of this paper completed before I go to bed tonight, since there are various fun holiday events I want to attend this weekend. But, at some point, I'm sure I will need a break and will take another walk to try and log the remainder of my daily steps.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 323.4 of 550K
Walking Streak: 48

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Went on a walk. It was so cold I barely walked. Did an hour on the bike. My 15 min HIIT (2 more days of phase 3 left). Walked around the house and got steps up to 5.5k so far. Scale did go down a little this week. Slowly but surely I’ll get to my goals. At some point I’d love some definition in my abs but that’s quite a ways down the line lol 

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When I went to bed last night my steps were a little over 12K. Today I took the day off (but have a few minor things I need to do for work) so dd and I can go out to celebrate her birthday and I can get an oil change. Sat I have family from out of state visiting and Sun the oil change place is closed. So plan to do some exercise tonight. Logged into MyFitnessPal with today's weigh in and it says my total lost is 39.6 lbs. I'll lose a couple more before my date night lol. 

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