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Tackling Halloween, anyone?


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Good morning!! 

I have 100 bags made for trick or treaters. That's about how many we had last year after people finally came. It took awhile to get people coming down our street. They kept turning down the one across the main road from us but now ours. 

  • dh's breakfast and lunch 
  • bible study
  • pay bills/update checking
  • 6 Zoom sessions
  • medicine
  • coffee
  • food for me, dinner for us
  • lesson planning for Tuesday's classes 
  • make homework docs and post 
  • give out candy
  • quick dinner
  • make a list for Thanksgiving shopping (meal with my family this coming Sunday)
  • watch something and relax 
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Good morning!

  • Finished touches on ds's lunch.  He was not amused by it and requests no more "fun" foods.
  • Made a treat bag for the bus driver
  • Print out my Halloween fraction pages
  • Make a pumpkin pie & whipped cream
  • Tutor
  • Laundry
  • Dinner: meatball subs
  • Pack up the car
  • TRICK OR TREATING!  Okay, not me.  I'll be sending child off to do the neighborhood with a friend, and hanging with friend's parents.
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Good morning!

@HomeAgain My Ds15 sometimes finds “fun” foods entertaining and sometimes embarrassing. I still like to do them sometimes.

I have made coffee and packed a lunch. Today is mostly an organization day for me.

My list:
Boy to school ✔️ 
Think about this week
Meal plan ✔️ 
Grocery ✔️ 
Camping gear out of car ✔️ 
Laundry ✔️ 

Tutor three students after school
Pick up Ds after bball?

Read and relax



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14 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Good morning!

@HomeAgain My Ds15 sometimes finds “fun” foods entertaining and sometimes embarrassing. I still like to do them sometimes.


Mine finds playful food to be beneath him.  I thought I could convince him this time, but nope.  He'd prefer the kind of lunch I usually pack him.

My 23yo was jealous, though!


ETA: It's a BAI blueberry drink, gummies, finger breadsticks (there's a container of "Type A Blood" marinara sauce not pictured, twice baked cauldron potatoes and miniature meat pies.  The only thing I thought would throw him off was the gummies.


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Ate b’fast
Started laundry
Got a shower
Put ground meat in cold water to thaw and chx in marinade for tomorrow.

Decided to break down the camping gear job. Today I will just get it out of my car and into the house. Might take the rest of the week to get it sorted and properly put away.

Texted tutoring families to confirm and two are cancelled for Halloween. The remaining one is virtual, so no driving. Might see if they want an earlier time.

Next up: Grocery

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Pumpkin pie is in the oven.

The sweet kid I had this morning is really enjoying his time with me.  I got a "it's already time??" when we had to pack up. 🙂

Laundry is not getting done.  The 23yo commandeered the machines.

Made it to the store, where they did not have the one item I promised ds I would get.  I don't want to pay twice as much elsewhere, so maybe I can convince him to eat something else tomorrow for breakfast.

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Tested blood sugar. All fine, but I feel nauseated.

Groceries put away
Car reorganized
Dried bathroom rugs. Washing the shower curtain liner now.

Folded and put away a load of kitchen and bath linens.

Opened some windows; it’s damp and gray, but not cold out. House feels stuffy, but a/c will just make it too cool.

Put meat in fridge and started potatoes to boil. Decided to use frozen veggies, so no cutting, peeling, or precooking. 

Filled the candy bowl for tonight. This is possible bc my resident sugar fiend is at school til around 7:00 tonight. 

Tidied a bedroom.
Filled the bird feeder
Sat on the front step and petted the neighbor’s friendly cat. 

Next up:
Rest and read, but also keep an eye on the potatoes.

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All my classes are done for the day.

I went out and took care of the leaves in the biggest part of the front yard. Dh is out doing some now. 

Lesson plans are done for two of my classes tomorrow but not for my in-person student. 

I started a load of laundry (sheets) because dd is coming tomorrow and will spend the night. 

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We tackled Halloween yesterday evening with a party for our grandsons. We are now very, very tired. Their daddy is taking them trick or treating - 10 houses in a friend's neighborhood (which is much larger than that) - tonight, so all the fun but not much candy. I am making a very yummy spaghetti with steamed broccoli for dh, myself, and Dd while we stare catatonically at the walls trying to recover. 

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Student is done. Logged his session and the two cancelled ones.

Broc is cooked.
dishwasher is unloaded.

Dog is unhappily in Dd’s room. He is biggish and has a big bark and scares ToT’ers. 

Outside lights on. Candy bowl ready. First kiddo was already here. 

Need to get a magazine or other interruptible reading for the evening.

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Dh picked up Ds, who did not make the basketball team. Not really a surprise. He can still play in a rec league and workout with the lacrosse team.

Very few trick or treaters tonight. Didn’t see neighbors we usually see. Drizzly weather may have kept some home. Gonna hide the leftover candy.  

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