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Tackling Tuesday Together


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Good morning!

Ds flew back last night, and we are glad to have him home for another month before he goes back to school. Our house is going to become a stop over spot for his gf and her family and for ds' roommate as they both have to return to school early for jobs they have on campus. 

I have had medicine, coffee, and breakfast. I have tutored one student. 

  • call Daddy
  • tutor one more student this afternoon
  • meals
  • grocery store for a few more things
  • pay some more bills/update checking
  • laundry
  • not sure what else today
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Good morning! I’ve had b’fast and coffee and dropped Ds at football. Practice time keeps changing and that is annoying. Lots of mom-taxi this week. 

Tutor two students and log sessions. ✔️ 

Meal planning and grocery. ✔️ Dinner is pork chops and CSA veggies. ✔️ 

CSA box pick up. Buy eggs?  ✔️ 

Order a phone for Ds.

College stuff? 


Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning! 

So far today, I have already called the fire marshal, to report what I thought was a leaking fire hydrant, only when I got over there to describe it to them I realized it was my neighbor's water main/water meter at the street. Oops. So, called the water company instead, and convinced them to send someone today, not tomorrow. 

The leak has been there a few days, but neither DH nor I snapped to it; we both thought it was sprinkler run-off from our sprinklers, until we realized it was still flowing when we didn't have them on, and coming from around the corner/side of the cul-de-sac anyway.....oops. So, hopefully they come out soon. I'm a little surprised the neighbor hasn't already called, but possibly he also thought it was sprinkler run-off. 

So, next up:

...finish coffee
...go buy zipper/materials/straps/etc. to fix DH's fencing jacket and the club jacket
...come sew the jacket zippers
...tutor one kid this afternoon (swap out another pocket on the bag, and take a reward chart to stamp before he gets to open a pocket/play, to keep him on track)
...come home, maybe play video games until dinner is ready (the guys are planning to play their game while I am off at tutoring/until dinner)
...eat dinner -- DH put a roast in the crockpot; mom/stepdad brought us some axis deer meat; it's an invasive species, so there is no season on them; I've never had it, so we'll see how it tastes. 
...after dinner, go to dance class
...come home, shower, veg out (TV with the kids or probably just DH and I, especially if we stay for all 3 lessons at dance class)

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Good morning!  Amy, that's great news about your dad!  

Dh and I are all settled in, looking forward to some downtime.  We may play some golf later today.  Our only to do is pick up some groceries for dinners.  I may go check out the local library, see if I can check out some books.  I brought a stack with me but still love to see what's out.   


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Hi guys, happy Tuesday!

Started with a bang today kuz the dog fence guy showed up early.  I had decided to take a rare morning shower / hair wash, thinking I had time.  Ha!  I had to holler at my kid to get her out of bed and clear the stairs to the basement, where she had dumped stuff and "forgot" to clean it up.  Then yelled some more to make her keep the pup in her room instead of going back to bed.  (Pup freaks out with new people in/around the house, and housemate had a client conference call so needed quiet.)  I got myself a nice headache.  But, the fence is fixed.  It took like 2 months for them to come out and fix it.

I think this is gonna be the summer of get-togethers.  My kids' usual friends (several times), my cousins/siblings, and now there are 2 more in the works:  my kid's bio relative's family this weekend (most likely not at my house), and old grad school friends in August.  Plus we hope to have our annual Labor Day Air Show get-together with various friends/relatives.  I guess it's nice to have motivation to get the house in order, if we can find the energy!

As far as being sick - I still have stuffy head stuff and am somewhat tired.  Gonna try Tylenol as I'm not sure how much is due to the morning's stress.

Today, done:

  • Shower & hair wash.
  • Dog fence repair, yay!!  It works, I checked - ouch!
  • Wordle (5 kuz rhyming words!  I had 4 green letters on the 2nd try), nerdle (3), quordle (9, whew!).
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, and social media.
  • A little client work.
  • Ate fruit, took vitamins, did a wee bit of walking.
  • A little reading.
  • Forced my kids into action.

To do:

  • Lots of client work.
  • Eat vegetable(s), drink lots of water.
  • Yoga etc.
  • More reading.
  • Some house cleaning.  Laundry??
  • Work with Kid1 on figuring out her food diary app!!  This is getting way too old.
  • Should get the kids going on math & reading assignments, but will I have the energy?
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Well, that was interesting. Went and bought the zipper stuff. Stopped at Kohl's and actually *did* find 2 dresses w/pockets that are cute, comfy, fit properly, and work for summer. Yay!!! paid, and in walked a dog. See my other thread - I volunteered to drive her to the animal shelter, where I then got hit with a $35 fee. :sigh: 

Anyway, now I'm home, had lunch, tried to nap but couldn't, and need to fix DH's zipper before I go tutor. And decide who to talk to in the city about the ridiculousness of an un-waiverable, no exceptions, fee for being a good samaritan. (if I'd brought the dog home, made an appt, then brought the dog back tomorrow, then they could have waived the fee.....but I have 2 dogs and 2 cats, so that's a no-go). 

Oye. what a day. 

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Afternoon errands took longer than I anticipated, so electronic chores are postponed til tomorrow.

Dinner was good and the kitchen is tidy.

Ds did something he shouldn’t have and lied about it, so is experiencing a consequence. He’s not happy and is playing his electric guitar. Loudly. My room is 3 ft from his and our total square footage is about 1300, so no escape. I suppose it could be much worse… 😜😬🙄

Dh just left, but I’ve had a shower and am comfy in jammies and am not interested in going out into the humidity. 

Reading with headphones on. 


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Well, he turned the volume down after a while. Then moved on to listening to music with Dd, who insists on reasonable volume. 

Now he’s making a smoothie. He’s just a loud kid! Always has been. 🤣

Tested my blood sugar and got a snack. Mmmm, spicy pimento cheese! 


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Finally helped Kid1 get going with her food diary app.  Also helped her purge a little bit of mess from her room.

Helped Kid2 purge and organize a bit in her room.

I'd say it was a good day, except I hardly touched client work.  Oh well.

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