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Apologia Bible What We Believe series


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We used the first 2. I would put it more in the category of theology lessons rather than bible study. Each chapter has a story, (often continued through out the book, that works to illustrate the topic. Then there is “teaching” with many scripture references through out the rest of the chapter. I would say it is organizes topics pretty throughly. It has frequent sidebars dealing with interesting  topics that are somewhat related. I did not use the journal or do much more than read it and discuss. 

I intended to use it for my bio 10yo, but it was so engaging for my newly adopted 10yo that I dropped his simpler program in favor of this one. It laid out pretty clearly who God is. It was great discussion considering our newly adopted son had a vastly incorrect view of Gods character. It painted a good picture of heaven as well and steps to take enough that he chose to be baptized after the first book.  He went from “that’s what you believe” to “I am so excited to be a part of Gods family” The second book dealt more with how God views us and how we view ourselves.  This was helpful, not quite as earth-shattering for him, but still gave us good discussion topics.  

i chose not to do book three this coming year because I felt my boys needed more of a biblical overview to be more familiar with the Bible as a whole and also its individual stories when I realized church wasn’t providing that as it had for my older children, probably because of Covid but also frequent changes in leadership.


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I did it in a co-op setting all 4 books over a 2 year period with a group of 5th to 7th graders. I think that first year the 5th year boys struggled a little more because the were still very concrete/black and white in their thinking. A lot of how I was running the discussion and designed the running journaling in between classes required nuanced thinking and self reflection that they were unused to. While they say you can use it for younger grade I would never use it for younger than 10 because so much is over their heads. Even then my perference is a more mature 10 because of what I described. To be honest, it was the boys I had who struggled than the girls. In any event, how I would run it next go when I do it again for my daughter will be to wait until 6th so I don't have boys struggling so hard to keep up with the rest of the group.

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We read the whole series piecemeal as part of our morning meeting time when my oldest was in high school and the others were in middle school and elementary school. I skipped the parts that were overly heavy on the child evangelism side, of which there were many. But it did spark a lot of good conversations for us as a group. 

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