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How much allowance do your give your kid(s) a month?


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I've never given any of my kids an allowance. If they want money, I'll give them jobs that are not a part of their regular chores or they can find other work. My son has spent the past two days working very hard hauling scrap. He just came in to complain a bit that he's spent almost two entire days from early morning until dark doing that and then he said, "But I'm making good money doing it so..." and went back to work. My kids shovel snow, mow grass, rake leaves, babysit, collect and sort scrap metal, clean cars, and do minor house projects for us and our neighbors. We don't have relatives that give our kids money, so no birthday/holiday cash here. We don't pay much for the jobs they do for us either, but we do pay most of their basic expenses (food, clothing, phone, extracurricular fees). We also don't buy them bigger things like cars or pay for their college. If they want it, they work for it.

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We don’t give an allowance, but we’ve made clear to the kids that when they want extra money for something that we don’t want to pay for (souvenir tees from an activity, the expensive $7 deodorant as opposed to the normal deodorant I am more than willing to buy) they can do extra chores to earn it. Right now they’re flush with Christmas and birthday cash and not motivated to do any extra. Certain household upkeep chores are expected from all members of the household without compensation - cleaning the bathroom, occasional cooking, dishes, sweeping, laundry, etc.  If DH needs their help driving a tractor or working cattle, he’ll pay them, but it’s not in the same category as the extra chores they can do because they have no choice in whether or not they will do it. 

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We don't do an allowance, and we don't generally pay for chores. I paid for half of Ds15's phone when he painted the outside of the house last summer. My husband earns minimum wage at his hobby job, anywhere from $14.50-29.00 most weeks. That is deposited into Dd18's account to pay for gas and books while at college. Ds17 carries a credit card that we pay. He pays for one tank of gas per month and uses our card for the rest. Occasionally I give him personal to pick up a treat for himself.

We are pretty generous with the kids. We pay the car insurance and college. If they need something we get it. If they want something, we evaluate the situation. I wouldn't just buy them an expensive lego set or go clothes shopping for fun. They might have to justify needing TKD equipment upgrades. But the occasional cash to go to movies with friends or the next book in a series, or supplies for a hobby are all things I say yes to as often as I can. The kids don't ask frequently which makes that easier.

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My dd16 and dd14 get $20/week pursuant to completing their chores. At a minimum, chores include emptying the dishwasher every day, folding and putting away all towels and bed linens, putting away their own laundry, cleaning the bathrooms weekly, and sweeping/mopping the tile floors weekly. It also includes whatever other tasks they are asked to help with, which is usually things like outdoor yard work (weeding, raking, washing cars, etc.).

They must save 25%, give 25%, and the rest is theirs to spend however they want (within reason). They pay for youth group outings, birthday gifts for friends, and any "extra" clothing that they want but don't really "need."

DD16 will be expected to pay for her own gas and help with insurance once she starts driving. But she also has a part-time job that will help with those expenses. 

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Ds12 gets $10 a month. DS14 gets a $10 a month phone contract paid and earns $25  per week at his job.  The allowance is not tied to anything or ever taken away.  It is part of living in out house that you get spending money and it is part of living in our house that you help out.  They are not related 

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