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30 Days of Gratitude Challenge - Day 20


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Hello weekend!

Today is Random Act of Kindness Day #2!

Find a unique way to show kindness to a stranger today. It doesn't have to be expensive (or require any money at all) but something you can do to show your gratitude for all of the good things in your life.

We are 2/3 of the way through our challenge. I know some of the prompts are challenging (hence the Challenge part). I have struggled with a few (and I'm writing them) and have had to dig deep to find the gratitude. I am so glad to be thinking about things, though, as I am finding the joy in areas I usually do not. It's not quite rewriting the script but more like finding a footnote that helps with perspective. I also like the action steps; some of these go against my basic personality and I have had to step out of my comfort zone in order to complete them. I hope you are finding new ways for joy and growth as well.

I have been tracking in my journal and watching the list of gratitude grow has been encouraging. I hope your jars and journals are filling up as well.  Keep up with those as they will play a part on the final day of the Challenge.

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Hmm, not random, but I finally got around to donating some things today.  I had so much bird stuff when our last parakeet died, but I wanted to clean out the cage in order to donate that, so it sat in my garage until today.  I did all the cleaning and stuff, packed up the cage, an outgrown dog crate, and a few bags of bird and puppy things.  I also brought several bags of human donations for a collection spot near the pet shelter.

Other than that, I didn't come across many strangers today.  The ones I did interact with received a smile and wave or thank you, but that's all I can claim.  Unless you count the random trash that I picked up along the way.  Not benefiting anyone in particular, except whoever's job it is to clean that trash, and whoever would have to look at it until it got cleaned.  😛

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Not really a Random Act of Kindness, but maybe sorta. 

My kids' friend left to travel for Thanksgiving. Their family cat got loose right as they were leaving. They were unable to find her even though they delayed leaving and searched for an hour or so. So, long story short, I now have a Bonus Kitty in my garage for the week. She's a sweetie, but I really didn't need another cat.

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A bit late to the party, but yesterday I took a friend out and treated her to a facial for her birthday - it wasn't a random act, but I was really happy that she accepted the gift and I was able to do something nice for her. 

Their family has had an absolutely rotten year as a result of Covid affecting their business and went from living fairly comfortably to having to cut everything to the bone and then still not knowing how they'd pay the bills.  Thankfully they were debt free regarding mortgages and cars, so their house is safe.  The business is finally picking up again.   She actually said it was the first time she'd relaxed in months.

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