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Discovery of Deduction...or move on?

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We enjoyed CAP's Art of Argument last year, but Discovery of Deduction seems dreadfully boring in comparison. We just finished 4.1 and are starting on the section of Propositions and Their Relationships. Does it get better or should we abandon ship? Any other suggestions, if so?

The product page to see where 4.1 would be located.


Thanks for any assistance!

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Just inherently formal logic is not going to be the same as informal (Art of Argument).  We are not using Discovery of Deduction (we are using MP's Traditional Logic) and it can be dry.  

I think the better question is to ask why are you studying logic?  The purpose of studying logic (in my simplified view) is, among other things, to be able to craft sound arguments and to be able to detect unsound ones. The process of getting there takes time, as far as I can make out.

TBH, if we only ever studied the things that are not boring to them, my kids would never study anything.  So I would tend to not use that as your gauge of whether to drop or not. I would look at it as: is this a subject we think is worth pursuing? If so, is this the best curriculum for us to use to pursue that, or is there one that they will like better?  The first question needs to be answered first, and then you can look at the next.

Best wishes!!

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What cintinative said is true.  However, there are other companies who sell logic books.  what does discovery of deduction teach?  formal logic?  You can go over to the critical thinking company website and see what they have there.  There's the Critical Thinking books 1 and 2, James Madison critical thinking, and something else I forgot.  One of those should teach formal logic if that's what the discovery of deduction teaches.  The same thing holds true if the discovery of deduction program teaches informal logic.  I'm sure the CTC has something. 

 I would search on amazon as well. 

Knowing CAP, it's the same format (Just like with most programs).  So, if it's boring to your child now, it'll be like that for the rest of the program.  Just my assessment. 


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I can personally guarantee that Traditional Logic is not going to be more "fun" than Discovery of Deduction. LOL.

I think the other logic product out there I have heard about is Canon Press' Introductory and Intermediate Logic. I think possibly these include some informal logic woven in though. I would ask. Somewhere there is a thread about this? Let me see if I can find it. 

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4 hours ago, cintinative said:

I can personally guarantee that Traditional Logic is not going to be more "fun" than Discovery of Deduction. LOL.

I think the other logic product out there I have heard about is Canon Press' Introductory and Intermediate Logic. 

Tried to get through MP's Traditional Logic (no DVDs) with dd#1 & failed about halfway. Sooooo snoozy. Never tried DoD even though I've used Art of Argument three times so far. I think Dd#1 (my math major) would have preferred the more symbolic logic of Canon Press. Never tried again after MP though.

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On 8/21/2021 at 5:12 PM, cintinative said:

Here's the thread. It's probably more helpful in distinguishing the differences between the CAP and MP product.  The thread isn't that old. @RubyPenn do you care to speak to the Canon Press (Nance) product? You said you were going to use it in this old thread.



Yes, we did use Canon Press's Logic by Nance last year and it was a success for my son.  He enjoyed the video lessons with Brian Kohl, who is an enthusiastic teacher and explains everything very well.  It's an introduction to formal logic, but the fallacies are covered at the end.  This is one of the few courses that wasn't a drag for my kid,  and I plan to use it again with my second child. 

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On 8/21/2021 at 7:26 AM, ofthevine said:

We enjoyed CAP's Art of Argument last year, but Discovery of Deduction seems dreadfully boring in comparison. We just finished 4.1 and are starting on the section of Propositions and Their Relationships. Does it get better or should we abandon ship? Any other suggestions, if so?

The product page to see where 4.1 would be located.


Thanks for any assistance!

My young man says that it gets better after that, so stay with it.

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