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Teen, period, and body odor help


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My dd14 has had her period for just over a year. I’ve just recently noticed she has a strong body odor during her period.  Nothing fishy like, but almost a harsh metallic like smell. I’ve brought it up once so far, but taking it as gently as possible and we went and bought some body mist I told her could be helpful during her period.  I just asked her if she had her period yesterday because I could smell her and she said she actually hasn’t gotten her period for a couple of months! So, the smell seems to come when she should have her period, but has nothing to do with her actual flow. I’ve thought about making a doctors appointment, but am looking for any insight here, thank you.

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Hmm the having the smell when she isn't having her period, I don't know about.  

I would think maybe when she is having her cycle she isn't changing her pads or underwear enough.  Or that she might want to use wipes to get clean when changing things.  

Is it only you smelling this?   Do you have a super sensitive sense of smell? 

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Take her to the doctor when she has the smell. DS27 has a weird smell, that I can’t describe, when he is stressed. It is not sweat but a sour, metallic, putrid smell. I also noticed the whites of his eyes yellowed a bit during those times. Bloodwork done when he was exhibiting those symptoms was the key to his dx.  His blood work showed his bilirubin was high and he was diagnosed with Gilbert’s syndrome. Otherwise his. Blood work would have been normal. Now he makes sure to drink more water and get sunshine when he is stressed to help his body get rid of the excess bilirubin. BTW I am the only one who can smell it. I’m not a ‘super sniffer’ but I legitimately think it has to do with mom instinct. 

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Some kids stop washing every part of their body when mom stops supervising bath time. 

Otherwise yes, you should talk to a doctor. It could be anything from a skin infection to a genetic inability to break down protein or any of half a dozen other things. 

Also, since it isn’t during her actual period, but when you think she’s having a period it’s more likely that she smells like that all the time, but you can only smell it during the second half of your cycle when your progesterone is higher. 

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It’s a clear odor. Her brother definitely notices. I’m just not sure if it started when she started her period last year or it just began a few months back. It seems possible that it’s similar to what Tap said. She does not get in the sun much. I’m not so concerned that she hasn’t gotten it for a couple months, since she is super active with ballet. She’s very good at keeping clean and is not on the pill. She doesn’t take any medication. 

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