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Daily Movement - Monday, April 19


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Well, I just finished my 5K of rowing with stretches. I expect my reports to be pretty boring, as I am not good at adding much variety. It's routine that keeps me going, as I like knowing what I'm going to do and just doing it. For some reason, it was really hard for me to get going on it today; maybe because I had to take the dog to the groomer's and it messed up my usual morning routine, right in the middle. But it will be that way the next two days due to a dr. appointment tomorrow, and a zoom call on Wednesday, so I better just ignore myself and do the work. Now that I've done it, of course I feel good and am proud of myself.

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It's pretty rainy here today. It looked okay when we started out this morning, but the dog and I started getting rained on fairly seriously when we were less than a mile from the house. We turned around and managed to log only 2.5K outside. I then did a one-mile walk-along video and my leg/arm exercises. 

The rest of today and much of tomorrow are predicted to be wet, so I will do what I can with outdoor walks and supplement with walk-along videos and some time on the stationary bike.


Spring Start Status Update: 295.9 of 500K

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Y'all, this is a forehead print - made with sweat - from my workout today, lol. Came after another set of pushups, when I flopped down and let my face just rest there for a minute. 

(that hair is from the wolfadogadoodle who kept walking across the mat shedding hair and tracking dirt. And while I LOVE LOVE LOVE this yoga mat because it is SO grippy and dense, the grippy part means hair and dirt stick to it like to microfiber or something.)


Edited by ktgrok
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I did go on a walk - a little over a mile, but it was grudgingly, lol. 

I had promised DD11 I'd go for a walk with her. Then the other littles wanted to go. Then DH was going. At that point, I figured I could stay home, since I was the only one that had already exercised that day - they could go walk and I could take a bubble bath. But...I got vetoed, lol. 

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